LITERATURE REVIEW Physical properties like specific gravity, fineness modulus etc. of stone dust and fine aggregate should be comparable in order to use stone dust as a replacement of fine aggregate. ... replacement of sand by stone dust improved the strength of concrete by 20%. It also decreased total deflection of beam.
DLC mixtures with 150 kg/m3 of OPC and different mix ratios of stone dust with 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% copper slag as fine aggregate. DLC mixes were prepared with different water contents to find out the optimum water content go get maximum density, and compressive strength at 7 and 28 days for each blend of stone dust and copper slag.
IRJET- An Experimental Study on Partial Replacement of Sand by Kota Stone Dust and Crumbed Rubber in Standard Concrete. 2020 • IRJET Journal. ... by Waste Products : A State of Art. 2013 • D. K. Parbat. In this paper an attempt is made to present a state-of the- art review of papers on replacement of natural sand by by-products and ...
— The present paper study the effect of partial substitution of brick dust (BD), stone dust (SD), and recycled fine aggregate (RFA) as fine aggregate on the properties …
II. LITERATURE REVIEW In this paper literature review containing both for Quarry stone dust and Foundry sand which are following: H. M. A. Mahzuz, Bangladesh (2011) [2]: has determined the relative performance of mortar and concrete by using stone powder as sand. For these purposes the compressive
Equivalent mixes are obtained by replacing stone dust partially/fully. Test results indicate effective usage of stone dust with same compressive strength, comparable tensile strength and modulus of rupture. Workability of 40% replacement of stone dust with 2% Superplasticizer is equal to the workability of conventional concrete. Workability is
— Typically, quarry dust is small sand-sized particles and washed to be used as construction aggregate. Quarry dust has some advantages over river sand such as better contribution to the strength of the cementitious material, better workability, lesser cement consumption and eco-friendly. Published literature report that quarry dust was deployed ...
— Alternative materials have already been used to substitute natural sand, such as fly-ash, quarry dust or limestone powder, filtered sand, copper slag etc [6]. as partly or entirely replacement of ...
— Granite dust could valuably be incorporated as partial sand replacement in autoclave aerated concrete (AAC), thereby reducing health and environmental hazards, and controlling sand depletion by fulfilling sand demand. ... The use of granite stone as a building material is growing which produces a significant amount of waste during its …
— Literature review. The effect of varying percentages of replacing cement with fly ash for M80 concrete was investigated by S. Gopala Krishnan and colleagues. The percentages evaluated were 15, 20, 25, and 30%. ... Strength Characteristics of Quarry Dust in Replacement of Sand. In Materials Science and Engineering Conference Series …
Traditional natural river sand is used as a fine aggregate for ... The main objective of this research is to investigated the use of Glass Powder and other is Stone dust as partial replacement of cement and concrete production. In this research we analyze the ... AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at Ai2. Learn More.
Researchers showed that river sand can be replaced by using stone dust as to give comparable strength to concrete. Stone dust has somehow similar or better mechanical …
Dust the suitability of those properties to enable them to be used as partial replacement materials for sand in concrete. The Replacement of the sand with quarry dust shows an improved in the compressive strength of the concrete. As the replacement of the sand with quarry dust increases the workability of the concrete is decreasing due to the ...
— Review of literature. ... is used as cement replacing material and retained by No. 100 sieve is used for sand replacement. Sand was replaced by stone dust of 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 45% and ...
— In the literature, there are relatively few study results on the effect of basalt dust on the cement hydration compared to the findings on other dusts, e.g., limestone, marble, or quartz. ... Without additives and with the addition of basalt powder, which is a partial sand replacement, the quantity of cement hydration products in the mortar was ...
from 100 mm sieve is used as sand replacement. Cement was replaced with stone dust in percentage of 3, 5, and 7 percent. Similarly, sand was replaced with stone dust in percentage of 15 to 50 with an increase of 5 percent. Test result gives that compressive strength of mould with 35%
— As stone dust has acceptable properties of fine aggregate sand with regard to shape and texture, it can be thought of as an alternate fine aggregate but research is needed on the extent of sand ...
— The cement concrete stone dust CCSD 7.5 with partial replacement of 7.5% stone dust shows an increase in compressive and flexural strengths of 14.42% and 15.85% at 28 and 56 days as compared to the nominal mix, respectively. The increase in strength is due to the dense microstructure of the specimen in the presence of fine crushed stone …
Literature review Physical properties like specific gravity, fineness modulus etc. of stone dust and fine aggregate should be comparable in order to use stone dust as a …
— The review is majorly divided in two parts, one with the partial replacement of cement in concrete and other with partial replacement of sand in concrete, with marble dust. Tests on cement, coarse and fine aggregate and MD has been performed as per country specification codes and mix design of concrete.
— This review paper emphasizes the significance of utilizing alternative aggregate materials in concrete. Particularly, it aims to explore replacing natural sand with stone dust.
— 2 Literature Review. Several indigenous materials are being experimented to substitute the filler material and binding material in concrete. ... A linear increment of strength is observed with respect to replacement of sand with stone dust up to 15%. Further increase in percentage replacement results in decrease in strength gradually; hence, 15 ...
— This work investigated the effect of partial replacement of sand with quarry dust on the compressive strength, flexural strength, split tensile strength and water absorption of sandcrete blocks. River sand was replaced with quarry dust at percentages ranging from 0 to 40 at cement/combined aggregate ratio of 1: 6. The blocks were …
— In this study, concrete mixes are prepared with partial replacement of natural sand at different substitution rates 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% with stone dust & partial replacement of natural ...
— The key points arising from the literature review were discussed and finally the needs for further research were identified. ... Balamurugan and Perumal [16], studied the use of quarry dust as a sand replacement material for the production of concrete. Results showed a maximum increase in compressive strength (19.18%), tensile strength …
It addresses critical research questions regarding the physical and chemical properties of stone dust aggregates compared to natural sand; the impact of stone dust on the …
made by partial or full replacement of river sand by crushed stone dust as fine aggregate and reported that 40 percent sand can be replaced by crushed stone dust without effecting the strength of concrete. (1999) Hudson reported that, ''concrete manufactured with a high percentage of minus 75 micron material will yield a
— The brick, stone, and construction industries produces huge quantities of non-biodegradable waste materials and incorporation of such waste materials in concrete eventually leads to the green and sustainable construction.
— The aim of this review work is to summarize previous research studies on utilization of sawdust ash as a cement replacement. Hence, this review paper will provide the significant idea and valuable ...
2 Literature Review . Several indigenous materials are being experimented to substitute the filler material and binding material in concrete. ... 15% replacement of sand with stone dust is found optimum. 3 Materials . The materials used in the research are: Portland cement of 43 grade, conforming to ...
— A multi-storey building that are made of RC frame, the greater importance is given to make structure safe against lateral load. Lateral load are produced due to wind, earthquakes etc.