wet method for the activation of bentonite in Oman

Characterization of activated bentonite clay mineral and …

 — After the acid activation, the analysis data showed a significant change in the chemical composition in modified bentonite clay, compared to the raw bentonite clay. The acid activation of bentonite caused an increase in the amount of Si +4 and Ti +4; this increase could be attributed to the remobilization of cations in the octahedral or ...

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Modification Method of High-Efficiency Organic Bentonite …

 — Organically modified bentonites effectively reduce the consumption of drilling fluids, conserve resources, and lessen environmental effects. This paper aims to provide …

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Structural Property Improvements of Bentonite with Sulfuric …

 — The acid activation of bentonite from Middle Anatolia, consisting of mostly montmorillonite, with a hot solution of H 2 SO 4 with different concentrations was carried out.

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Influencing of foundry bentonite mixtures by binder activation

 — This paper presents results of the measurements montmorillonite content in foundry bentonites and mixtures of bentonite – lustrous carbon carrier by three methods: spectrophotometric method with ...

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activation There are three principal methods of activation, the socalled wet methods, ... Example 4 150 kg. of Na CO dissolved in 1.5 m. of water were introduced into 5 tons of bentonite clay. The activation took place in the preparation plant where the material Was placed in layers of about 50 cm. thickness. Every layer was sprinkled only on ...

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Hectorite and Bentonite based organoclay grades …

In case pregel step and polar activation should be avoided, the BENTONE® SD grades are the products of choice. BENTONE® SD products However, in special cases e.g. in high solids and solvent less systems, chemical activation might be beneficial. The activation of BENTONE® SD grades follows in general the recommendations for the of conventional

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Pristine and activated bentonite for toxic metal removal from

Acid activation of bentonite clay using nitric acid was achieved in this study. Enhanced morphology and physicochemical properties of pristine bentonite was observed. …

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Activation of Jordanian Bentonite by Hydrochloric Acid and …

 — 2.2. Activation of Bentonite by Hydrochloric Acid. The hydrochloric acid (HCl) (98%, d = 1.98 g/cm 3) and other chemicals used are of analytical grade. The purified bentonite was prepared for acid activation: 15 g ± 0.01 g of the purified sample was weighed into a flask and 200 mL of 1.0 M HCl was added.

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Modification Method of High-Efficiency Organic Bentonite …

 — At present, the modification methods of sodium-based bentonite include the dry process and the wet process. The dry process refers to adding sodium agent dry powder (commonly Na 2 CO 3) to bentonite and squeezing the two to fully react. Typical techniques include spiral flow blocking extrusion, double spiral mixed extrusion, wheel …

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Article Rehydration Driven Na Activation of …

Materials 2021, 14, 7622 3 of 14 Bent mixed with 2–5% Na2CO3 and various amounts of water (10–15% or excess), allowed to interact under shaking for 24 h, and dried at 60oC.

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Acid activation of bentonite clay for recycled

Acid activation of bentonite clay for recycled automotive oil ... the methods proposed by Aziz et al., (2011). 30 g of clay ... water was placed in a 10:1 ratio [17]. Then, in each wet clay sample ...

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Efficient degradation of methyl orange by heterogeneous …

 — In this investigation, a low-cost catalyst was prepared using a natural Maghnia sodic bentonite submitted to a simple ion exchange process and calcination at 500 °C for 3 h. This material was used in the removal of methyl orange (MO) dye by heterogeneous Fenton oxidation. The chemical composition was quantified by XRF and …

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TG/DTG/DTA profiles of parent bentonite.

A new method of Na-activation of raw bentonite, rich in Ca-montmorillonite, consisting of combined thermal treatment at 200 °C, followed by immediate impregnation with aqueous solution of Na2CO3 ...

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Effect of the Acidic and Alkaline Activation of Bentonite

 — A study is performed of the effect the means of activation of bentonite-like clays (acidic, alkaline, combined) have on the adsorption characteristics of Fe3+ ions under static conditions. ... This analysis method is based on the formation of a yellow iron disulfosalicylate complex in alkaline media (pH 9–11.5); the pH was adjusted with ...

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There are three principal methods of activation, the so called "wet methods," which consist of introducing acti vators which are either dissolved or in suspension. ... a solution of activator is introduced into the raw bentonite in an amount of from 22.5 percent by weight in relation to the mass of the bentonite up to the flowability point of ...

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Bentonite processing technology

 — Bentonite acid activation is the use of various acids (sulfuric acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, oxalic acid) to activate bentonite under certain conditions with different concentrations. ... Sodiumization modification mainly includes suspension method (wet method), yard sodiumization method (ageing method) and extrusion method, etc. Raw ...

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A systematic and comprehensive study of Eco-friendly bentonite …

 — The activation of bentonite results in an increase in the number of active sites, increase the pore volume, increase the surface area, etc. The major process of activation is thermal and acid activation. ... Bentonite-based cutoff wall is the most used method in isolating and adsorbing contaminants, while the bentonite in it easily to fail due ...

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Structural Property Improvements of Bentonite with Sulfuric …

The acid activation of bentonite from Middle Anatolia, consisting of mostly montmorillonite, with a hot solution of H 2 SO 4 with different concentrations was carried out. SEM images, nitrogen sorption isotherms and FTIR spectra were used to examine structural changes of the bentonite with acid activation. Acid–base titration method was applied to determine …

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Volcanic Materials in Commerce and Industry. Jonathan Dehn, Stephen R. McNutt, in The Encyclopedia of Volcanoes (Second Edition), 2015. 5.1 Bentonite. Bentonite is an off-white montmorillonite clay formed from altered volcanic ash. It has a sheet-silicate structure and is especially notable for the way in which it absorbs and loses water and for its base …

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Influence of acid activation on the NH3-adsorption …

Amari, A., Chlendi, M., Gannouni, A. & Bellagi, A. (2010) Optimised activation of bentonite for toluene adsorption. ... Balci, S. (2019) Structural property improvements of bentonite with sulfuric acid activation and a test in catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of phenol. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 17, 20180167.

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Acid activated clays: Materials in continuous demand

 — The extent of these modifications depended on the type and origin of the clay minerals and the conditions of the acid activation. In their study, a bentonite exhibited strong stability towards acid treatment at 90 °C and at higher acid/clay mineral ratios, with slight depletion of Mg 2 +, Fe 3 + and Al 3 + cations (about 5%).

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Activated bentonite clay–based dry-wash purification of …

 — Biodiesel obtained by transesterification of vegetable oils and fats is an alternative for petro-diesel fuel. Purification of biodiesel is one of the crucial steps in the production of biodiesel. The conventional wet washing of biodiesel involves huge quantities of water, energy, and time. Therefore, dry washing was carried out with raw bentonite …

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Hydrogenation of Furfural to Furfuryl Alcohol over Nickel …

 — In this work, nickel-supported bentonite catalyst was prepared by wet impregnation method followed by activation and reduction. The nickel catalyst showed excellent catalytic activity for hydrogenation of furfural …

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Pristine and activated bentonite for toxic metal removal …

Chemical activation, using H 2 SO 4, NaCl, and phosphoric acid, has been used to increase the specific surface of natural bentonite. However, there are few reports of the use of nitric acid for such activation. Bentonite was activated with nitric acid in this study, which was then subject to detailed characterization.

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Thermal activation, characterization and performance …

 — Thermal activation is observed to increase the intensity of quartz peak due to the removal of impurities and removal of water from the bentonite structure. This indicates that quartz cannot be eliminated from clay by thermal activation.

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One step acid activation of bentonite derived adsorbent for …

 — Similarly, bentonite activation is a complex phenomenon that involves the substitution of exchangeable cations, Al 3+, Mg 2+, and Fe 2+ against protons from the octahedral sheet, resulting in the improvement of bleaching effectiveness, greater hydrophobicity and porosity structure, strongly protonated clay mineral surface, increase …

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Synthesis, characterization and properties of organically …

 — A new process for manufacturing organically compounded bentonite was developed successfully based on the organic intercalation and layered structure of bentonite. The main steps in the proposed process included wet sodium activation of bentonite ore, organic compounding and high-pressure roll grinding. The optimum …

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Effect of acid activation on structural and bleaching properties of …

 — The bentonite sample (50 g) was first dried in vacuum at 110ºC and 20 g of the sample was treated with sulphuric acid (H 2 SO 4 ) using a wet chemical method.

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Effects of Bentonite Activation Methods on Chitosan Loading …

 — The adsorption capacity of bentonite clay for heavy metal removal from wastewater can be significantly enhanced by a high loading of chitosan on the surface.

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Bentonite API | Oman Drilling Mud Products Co LLC

A layer of hydrated bentonite provides a dense, low porosity barrier to fluid flow that exhibits a typical hydraulic conductivity of 1 x 10-9 cm/sec. The property of swelling makes …

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Effects of Bentonite Activation Methods on Chitosan

Effects of Bentonite Activation Methods on Chitosan Loading Capacity Tao Yu1, Chengtun Qu2*, Daidi Fan1, Renjun Xu3 1School of Chemical Engineering, Northwest University, Xi'an 710069, P.R ...

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Development and Characterization of Na2CO3-Activated …

 — The X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns also confirmed that Ca-rich bentonite was effectively modified into Na-bentonite since after the activation, the d(001) …

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XRD pattern of Na2CO3 chemical used for the …

A new method of Na-activation of raw bentonite, rich in Ca-montmorillonite, consisting of combined thermal treatment at 200 °C, followed by immediate impregnation with aqueous solution of Na2CO3 ...

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Optimized Bentonite Clay Adsorbents for Methylene Blue …

 — This study addresses the urgent need for effective water treatment methods by synthesizing and characterizing activated bentonite clay (ABC) adsorbents to remove methylene blue () from aqueous solutions efficiently. Conventional adsorbents often exhibit limitations in efficiency and regeneration capabilities, necessitating novel …

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Hydrogenation of Furfural to Furfuryl Alcohol over Nickel …

 — In this work, nickel‐supported bentonite catalyst was prepared by wet impregnation method followed by activation and reduction. The nickel catalyst showed excellent catalytic activity for ...

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Chapter 7.1 Acid Activation of Clay Minerals

 — One of the most common chemical modifications of clays, used for both industrial and scientific purposes, is their acid activation. This consists of the treatment of clay with a mineral acid solution, usually HCl or H 2 SO 4.The main task is to obtain partly dissolved material of increased specific surface area, porosity and surface acidity …

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