— The result showed that the MIRHA needed more water as compared to SF to achieve the similar fresh properties, similarly concrete with 5% SF showed about 9.70% higher compressive strength after 90 ...
(a) Sample placed between two steel plates of compressive strength test machine; (b) position of three strain gauges around the sample to measure lateral strain; (c) display the connection of strain gauges to the data logger 794 A. Lakirouhani et al. Physical parameters, tensile and compressive strength of dolomite rock samples ...
— Estimating compressive strength. General rock failure criterion can be reduced to a few parameters dependent on lithology (m) and the uniaxial compressive strength (C 0).Lithology is commonly …
The rubbing method will be utilized to quantify the apparent natural fracture characteristics of the rock, and subsequent uniaxial compression tests will be performed to determine …
Uniaxial compressive strength ( ... Dolomite 86 38 443 8 110 49 443 2 10.1 Limestone 107 47 441 81 74 71 961 25 8.4 Marble 133 63 474 20 66 71 1074 4 9.3 Greenschist - - - - 93 44 472 3 Clay schist / -stone 68 38 563 2 40 21 537 …
— The chemical composition of dolomite and the compressive strength of dolomite geopolymer composites were studied. The both composites prepared with mechanical mixer manufactured by with rotor speed of 350 rpm and curing in the oven for 24 hours at 80˚C.
— The uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) of Sandy Dolomite is an important metric in the application in civil engineering, geotechnical engineering, and underground engineering. Direct measurement of UCS is costly, time-consuming, and even infeasible in some cases. To address this problem, we establish an indirect measuring method based …
— The fitting degree between the calculated value of uniaxial compressive strength and the experimental value reaches 98%, which is of excellent prediction accuracy and reliability. The model for dolomite chemical damage proposed herein provides a theoretical basis for dolomite dissolution damage; the theory of rock chemical damage is …
dolomite and granite rocks reported decreased uniaxial compressive strength with increasing grain size. In these cases, Griffith's theory of elliptical cracks is used to in …
For this purpose, three groups of dolomite from north western Iran, with the same mineral composition but different grain size, were selected; fine grain, medium grain and coarse grain. ... load strength. According to the results; there are significant positive correlation between grain size and uniaxial compressive strength (r = 0.89), point ...
— According to the "Specifications for Design Highway Tunnels" (JTG D70-2018), the suggested classification strength threshold for hard rock is 60MPa, and the uniaxial compressive strength of ...
— The purpose of this paper is to investigate the strength, physical and engineering index parameters of selected dolomitic rocks with emphasis on grain size. …
Dolomite rock powder (the waste stone residue in the production of machine-made sand and stone processing) and iron tailings powder formed by mineral processing industry are solid wastes, which occupy land resources, pollute the environment and release toxic substances without reasonable processing. The dolomite rock powder and iron tailings …
Uniaxial compressive strength ( c) and deformation modulus of rocks. Average values from tests of intact rock samples. Tests of rocks world-wide. Scandinavian rocks tested at. …
(a) Sample placed between two steel plates of compressive strength test machine; (b) position of three strain gauges around the sample to measure lateral strain; (c) display the connection of strain gauges to the data logger A. Lakirouhani et al. Physical parameters, tensile and compressive strength of dolomite rock samples ...
Therefore, the Unconfined Compressive Strength is calculated for the maximum load applied: ... Dolomite. 30-250. Table 2: Typical values of Uniaxial Compressive Strength for a various number of rocks (from Attewell & Farmer 1976). References. ASTM D7012-14e1, (2014). Standard Test Methods for Compressive Strength and Elastic Moduli of Intact ...
— The uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) of rocks is an essential input parameter for engineering design in mining and civil engineering. This research aimed to investigate the relationship between nano-mechanical properties and macroscopic mechanical properties that result from microstructural constituents of rock materials. …
The uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) of Sandy Dolomite is an important metric in the application in civil engineering, geotechnical engineering, and underground engineering. …
— The most suitable NaOH concentration is 1.5% corresponding the highest compressive strength and the minimum solubility, which indicates the AD's compressive strength is controlled by the degree of dedolomitization reaction and the solubility could be used as the evaluation index of AD's compressive strength for designing the high ...
KEY WORDS: Dolomite, Quarry dust, Compressive strength, Partial Replacement INTRODUCTION Concrete is a composite material that consists of binding medium, such as mixture of Portland cement and water, within which are embedded particles or fragments of aggregate, usually a combination of fine and coarse aggregate. Concrete is by far the …
— The static uniaxial compressive strength of dolomite is found to be 38.59 MPa. The elastic modulus from the stress-strain graph at 50% of peak stress value is calculated to be 3.75 GPa (ASTM D3148-02 2002; Kumar 2007). 4.4 Dynamic Stress-Strain and Force Equilibrium for Dolomite.
— The concrete compressive strength, flexure strength, and dynamic elastic modulus were reduced by 3.31, 3.28, and 3.28%, respectively, at the 10% inclusion of dolomite production waste than that of ...
tests will be performed to determine the uniaxial compressive strength of the rock. We will employ the Pearson correlation coecient and the maximum information coecient (MIC) to establish the ...
These rock samples were tested in the laboratory for specific gravity, point load strength, uniaxial compressive strength and mineral composition using weigh balance, point load tester, 1100kN compression machine and petrological microscope respectively. The filling rates of the front end loaders bucket were determined.
Understanding the compressive strength of construction materials is crucial for ensuring the safety and stability of structures, as it helps engineers and architects design buildings and infrastructure that can support the …
compressive strength increasing (Fig. 5), and, at the same time, density increasing, see Fig. 6. Fig. 6. Effect of dolomite limestone fine powder (specific surface 5500cm 2 /g) content on modified ...
— Sandy Dolomite is a kind of widely distributed rock. The uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) of Sandy Dolomite is an important metric in the application in civil engineering, geotechnical ...
Physical Parameters, Tensile and Compressive Strength of Dolomite Rock Samples: Influence of Grain Size. farhad asemi. JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING AND …
— The dolomite samples were mineralogically similar but varied in crystal grain size from fine-grained, medium-grained, to coarse-grained types. The experimental tests included the point load strength index, uniaxial compressive strength, P wave, dry and saturation densities of samples.
Mean tensile strength and compressive strength for selected sedimentary rock types (after Johnson and Degraff, 1988). The behavior of intact rock in the post-peak dom ain is not a true rock property and is partially dependent on the stiffness of the loading system. A testing machine consists of an assembly of
— 3.2.1 Degradation Law of the Uniaxial Compressive Strength of Dolomite. According to 20 groups of test results, the basic mechanic parameters such as peak strength, elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio …
The results indicated that compressive strength was increased with increasing calcination temperature and post-processing temperature. The value of compressive strength obtained in air was larger than that in other atmospheres. The compressive strength value reached 80N in the experimental condition.
The number of pores formed during the firing process of the porous ceramics was large. Although the proportion of the dolomite in the aggregate was reduced, its compressive strength did not increase significantly. The compressive strength of the porous ceramics prepared with corn flour decreased from 8.41 to 7.42 MPa.