raymond ruyer tree

Family tree of Raymond RUYER

Raymond Ruyer (13 January 1902 – 1987) was a French philosopher in the late 20th century. His work covered topics including the philosophy of biology, the philosophy of …

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Raymond Ruyer and the Metaphysics of Absolute …

P raymond ruyer, neofinalism · 119 Deleuze called Ruyer "the most recent of Leibniz's great disciples" because his absolute forms are the successors of Leibniz's monads, though Ruyer conceives of them quite differently, …

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The Genesis of Living Forms

The philosophy of Raymond Ruyer was an important if subterranean influence on twentieth-century French thought, and explicitly engaged with by figures such as Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Georges Canguilhem, Gilbert Simondon, and Gilles Deleuze. The Genesis of Living Forms is Ruyer's most focussed and forceful analysis of a central but apparently …

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L'Utopie et les utopies

Si le nom « utopie » (U-topie signifie "nulle part"), nous vient de Thomas Morus qui, en 1518, décrivit une île imaginaire dirigée par un gouvernement fondé par le roi Utope, une utopie décrit un monde imaginaire, en dehors de notre espace ou de notre temps, ou en tout cas, de l'espace et du temps historiques et géographiques. Raymond Ruyer - …

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Raymond Ruyer, la biologie et la théologie naturelle

Raymond Ruyer, la biologie et la théologie naturelle Philippe Gagnon 1 1. Introduction : le praticien d'une science-philosophie Les premières réflexions de Raymond Ruyer (1902-1987) furent centrées sur la détermination de l'invariant ultime de réalité qui se doit d'être présent derrière toute considération philosophique.

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Neofinalism (Posthumanities Book 36)

 — "Raymond Ruyer's work is remarkably prescient and provocative, providing a profound philosophy of life and evolution that deserves to be re-read today alongside contemporary vitalisms and new materialisms. This is a significant text in the history and philosophy of science, skillfully translated by Alyosha Edlebi."—Claire Colebrook ...

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Neofinalism (Volume 36) (Posthumanities): Ruyer, Raymond, Ruyer

 — "Raymond Ruyer's work is remarkably prescient and provocative, providing a profound philosophy of life and evolution that deserves to be re-read today alongside contemporary vitalisms and new materialisms. This is a significant text in the history and philosophy of science, skillfully translated by Alyosha Edlebi."—Claire Colebrook ...

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2 Raymond Ruyer: Organic Consciousness

Ruyer establishes a certain continuity between primary organic consciousness, secondary cerebral consciousness and psychological consciousness. Similarly, Maturana and …

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Introduction: Form and Phenomenon in Raymond Ruyer's …

Raymond Ruyer (1902–87) was born in Plainfaing in the Department of Vosges in the Lorraine region of northeastern France. A precocious student who at nineteen received a first on his college entrance exam, Ruyer pursued a course of study in philosophy at the prestigious École Normale Supérieure and aggregated in 1924.

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Raymond Ruyer Archives

Raymond Ruyer. Raymond Ruyer (1902–1987) was an important French philosopher whose work touched on numerous topics such as the philosophy of science, the philosophy of biology, cybermetics, and the philosophy of value.He exerted an important influence, not only on Deleuze, but also Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Gilbert Simondon, Georges …

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Introduction to the Philosophy of Raymond Ruyer

Long a relatively unknown figure in the history of twentieth century French thought – in both France and beyond – Raymond Ruyer's philosophy has over the past few years begun to slowly garner serious attention. Despite his lesser-known status, Ruyer was a touchpoint for a series of key French thinkers, including Maurice Merleau-Ponty ...

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Ruyer, Raymond Gnoza De La Princeton

 — Ruyer, Raymond Gnoza De La Princeton. Addeddate 06:40:30 Collection_added booksbylanguage

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The Genesis of Living Forms

 — The work of French philosopher Raymond Ruyer (1902–87) is making a belated appearance in English translation with the publication of these two works. Ruyer …

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The Status of the Future and the Invisible World

 — Raymond Ruyer. Article Metrics Article contents. Extract; References; Get access. Share. Cite Rights & Permissions [Opens in a new window] Extract. The primitive conception is that the future already exists like a terra incognita which one can dimly make out with or without the help of the gods. This idea is at the basis of fatalism and of ...

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The Genesis of Living Forms

Raymond Ruyer (1902-1987) was an influential philosopher of science and Professor of Philosophy at the Universite de Nancy. Jon Roffe is Vice-Chancellor's Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of New South Wales, and a founding editor of Parrhesia: A Journal of Critical Philosophy. The co-editor of a number of volumes on twentieth-century French …

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the fracture of cybernetics

raymond ruyer. translated by james kelly. We present this text as a supplement to the recently published translation of Raymond Ruyer's Cybernetics and the Origin of …

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La philosophie de la vie de Raymond Ruyer

 — Nous abordons l'œuvre de Raymond Ruyer (1902-1987) sous l'angle de la philosophie de la vie, pour mettre en évidence la trajectoire qui le conduit d'un mécanisme réduisant la vie à ses ...

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Cybernetics and the Origin of Information by Raymond Ruyer…

 — Raymond Ruyer—who was a major influence on Simondon and Deleuze, among others—originally wrote this book, one of the first critiques of Norbert Wiener's cybernetics program, in 1954. At once critical and analytical, it is a deep exploration of information theory, cybernetics, and the philosophical assumptions and implications of …

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éd. du Mont-Blanc, 1947, a été en effet entrepris à l'instigation de Ruyer, qui en a suivi toute la genèse et en a fait siennes toutes les thèses. Mentionnons enfin une excellente Introduction à la métaphysique de Raymond Ruyer, due à la plume de M. L. Vax (Rev. Mét. Morale, 1953, P- 188-202) et

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Raymond Ruyer par lui-même

 — From the point of view of the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze, Raymond Ruyer's work appears to bear out two distinct tendencies of unequal appeal. On the one hand, Ruyer appears to be an … Expand. 1. PDF. Save. Comment Ruyer est devenu Ruyer. Entre épistémologie et psycho-biologie.

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"Ruyer, la pensée de l'espace et la métaphore fondatrice de …

Raymond Ruyer's Philosophy of Life: In this work I study French philosopher Raymond Ruyer (1902-1987) as a philosopher of life. I intend to highlight the path that leads him, from an initial mechanistic conception that reduces life to physical and chemical structures, to a finalist panpsychism that conceives life as a conscious activity ...

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Cybernetics and the Origin of Information

One of the lost classics of French philosophy, Cybernetics and the Origin of Information has never before been published in English. Raymond Ruyer — who was a major influence on Simondon and Deleuze, among others — originally wrote this book, one of the first critiques of Norbert Wiener's cybernetics program, in 1954. At once critical and analytical, it is a …

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Project MUSE

 — The work of French philosopher Raymond Ruyer (1902–87) is making a belated appearance in English translation with the publication of these two works. Ruyer …

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Raymond Ruyer (1902–1987) was a professor of philosophy at the Université de Nancy. He was the author of over twenty books in French, including Elements of Psychobiology, The Genesis of Living Forms, and Cybernetics and the Origin of Information.. Alyosha Edlebi is the translator of Theory of Identities by François Laruelle and Science Fiction and Extro …

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(PDF) Raymond Ruyer

 — Deleuze and Guattari also refer to Raymond Ruyer, who argues that every living organism develops according to its melodic theme. In other words, a musical pattern becomes the organizing principal ...

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There Is No Subconscious: Embryogenesis and Memory

Raymond Ruyer and more ... Diogenes. Mar 1980. Restricted access. The Regime of Castes in Populations of Ideas. Show details Hide details. Pierre Auger and more ... Diogenes. Jun 1958. Restricted access. Time and Chance. Show details Hide details. Kenneth G. Denbigh. Diogenes. Mar 1975. Restricted access. The Eros of Memory.

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Raymond Ruyer

Raymond Ruyer (13 January 1902, Plainfaing, Vosges - 22 June 1987, Nancy) was a French philosopher in the late 20th century. Author of many important works, he covered several topics such as the philosophy of biology, the philosophy of informatics, the philosophy of value and others.

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The Genesis of Living FormsNeofinalism | Common …

 — The work of French philosopher Raymond Ruyer (1902–87) is making a belated appearance in English translation with the publication of these two works. Ruyer is a philosopher of science who continues a French tradition of finding Lamarck neglected and Darwin overrated. Ruyer is also among those who think the best hints for problems of …

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Raymond Ruyer

Raymond Ruyer (n. 1902 Plainfaing Vosges, Franța - d. 1987 Nancy, Meurthe-et-Moselle Franța a fost un filozof francez. Autor a numeroase cărți Raymond Ruyer s-a ocupat de probleme foarte diverse printre care filozofia biologiei, originea informației, filozofia valorii și altele. A scris și lucrări de popularizare a viziunii sale ...

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Raymond Ruyer

Nearly thirty years after Raymond RUYER's death, in 1987, his work is still under the influence of a paradox. He has been revealed to the public by La Gnose de Princeton, a philosophical hoax where the philosopher described his view of the world. Yet, since then, experts' questions about the ontology have little studied the originality of ...

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