— Predicts when phosphogypsum waste will contain 30 PBq total activity. • Compares activity of phosphogypsum with that from Chernobyl and Fukushima. • Shows …
— Researchers have shown growing interest in addressing the worldwide accumulation of this waste material. To gain a comprehensive understanding of the environmental impact of phosphogypsum, it is crucial to explore its properties (e.g., chemistry, mineralogy, radioactivity), and how it interacts with the surrounding …
— Mineral processing tailings (e.g., powered rock dust and phosphogypsum-PG) control the budget of NPs on a global scale and thus affect physical and biogeochemical processes in terrestrial and marine environments (Dalmora et al., 2016; Lütke et al., 2020) and the atmosphere including the nucleation of clouds (Retallack, 2011, 2012; Marshall …
— PG is enriched in radioactivity mainly from the uranium, 238 U, and thorium, 232 Th. The primary environmental radiotoxic element linked to the production of …
— Phosphogypsum contains radium, which decays to form radon gas. Both radium and radon are radioactive and can cause cancer. The Clean Air Act regulations …
— Phosphogypsum (PG) is a solid by-product generated in the production of phosphoric acid (PA) using conventional synthesis methods. The raw material, about 50 …
— 2 Executive Summary: This document details the review performed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Radiation and Indoor Air, Radiation Protection Division, in response to the Radiological Risk Assessment in Support of Petition for Beneficial Use of Phosphogypsum prepared for The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) (Arcadis …
— Other Uses of Phosphogypsum. Under certain conditions, phosphogypsum may be removed from stacks for outdoor agricultural purposes or indoor research and development. Any other use of phosphogypsum requires advance permission from EPA.
— The concentrations of radioisotopes (238U, 234U, 235U, 210Po, 232Th, 40K, and 226Ra) in naturally occurring radionuclide materials were determined through gamma and alpha spectrometry. The average activities of 226Ra, 232Th, and 40K were matched with literature data from various countries. The radium equivalent value derived …
As a source of gypsum, phosphogypsum can and does substitute natural gypsum as a soil amendment in many countries, including Australia, Brazil, and Spain, to name a few. Studies have even found that the application …
— The activity of phosphogypsum used for agricultural purposes may not exceed 10 pCi/g. An estimated 221,000 MT of phosphogypsum are taken from the phosphogypsum stacks and used in agriculture each year. There is no limitation on the amount of material that can be applied and farmers do not have to maintain certificates …
cal characterization of phosphogypsum (Duen˜as et al. 2010; Mitko et al. 2020; Predrag et al. 2020; Abril et al. 2009; Ousmane et al. 2021) there is limited information regarding phosphogypsum produced in Senegal. The pri-mary objectives of this study are to characterize Senegalese phosphogypsum radiologically, evaluate radiation expo-
— Abstract. Phosphogypsum (PG: CaSO 4 ·2H 2 O) is a waste product generated by the phosphate industry. World production of this waste exceeds 200 million tonnes per year. PG, discharged into the sea, …
— This study contributes to sustainable construction practices by exploring the use of phosphogypsum, a commonly discarded byproduct, in the production of recycled aggregates. Addressing both environmental and economic aspects of sustainability, we investigate the feasibility of employing phosphogypsum as a primary raw material, in …
— Although several technical studies on the radiological effects of phosphogypsum storage areas in the environment have been carried out around the world (Al Attar et al., 2011; Dueñas et al., 2010 ...
(Interim)), set out the principles and basic requirements for radiation protection and safety applicable to all activities involving radiation exposure, including exposure to natural …
Phosphogypsum, a by-product of phosphate fertilizer production, is produced in large quantities worldwide. ... Montgomery, Alabama, U.S.A.: Eastern Environmental Radiation Facility. Google Scholar. International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) (1984) Principles for Limiting Exposure of the Public to Natural Sources of Radiation ...
— Phosphogypsum (PG) is a solid waste product generated during wet-process phosphoric acid production. Various impurities considerably reduce the purity, whiteness, and application range of PG.
— The phosphogypsum and rock phosphate samples were analysed for the estimation of radioactivity in them along with the soil samples. The results for activity concentration of 238 U, 226 Ra, 232 Th and 40 K in the samples were compared with other studies carried out worldwide. Table 2 shows the wide variation of activity concentrations …
Radiation and Phosphogypsum; Radiation and Phosphoric Acid; Radioactivity and Phosphatic Clay Ponds; Phosphate Companies and EPA's Toxic Release Inventory; 6 – Environment and Health. Phosphogypsum Stacks; Back to top. 1855 West Main Street. Bartow, Florida USA 33830. 863-583-9094. twitter; instagram; linkedin; youtube;
— Phosphogypsum (PG) is a by-product produced during the wet process of phosphoric acid (H3PO4) production from natural phosphate rocks. Approximately 4–6 tons of PG is produced per ton of ...
— The owner/operators have to take measures to keep radon emissions within regulatory limits. Additional Resources. Under certain conditions, phosphogypsum may be removed from stacks for outdoor agricultural purposes or indoor research and development. Any other use of phosphogypsum requires advance permission from EPA. See: Subpart …
— Phosphogypsum, a waste product from manufacturing fertilizer, emits radon, a radioactive gas. It also contains the radioactive elements uranium, thorium and radium.
— Florida lawmakers want to use radioactive material phosphogypsum to pave roads Phosphogypsum, a byproduct in the fertilizer industry, contains uranium and radium — and as the EPA notes, it also ...
— Physico-chemical characteristics of phosphogypsum. Phosphogypsum is a grey, damp, fine-grained material (silty or silty-sandy) with a maximum grain size between 0.5 and 1.0 mm and 50–75 % of particles finer than 0.075 mm . The moisture content usually ranges between 8 % and 30 % (3, 6). Its density, strength, compressibility, and …
Phosphogypsum Stacks. America is blessed with abundant low-cost natural gypsum. There is also an abundance of flue gas desulfurization gypsum produced as a by-product of coal-fired power plants. ... Radiation and Phosphogypsum; Radiation and Phosphoric Acid; Radioactivity and Phosphatic Clay Ponds; Phosphate Companies and EPA's Toxic …
— Phosphogypsum (PG) is a major hazardous by-product of the phosphate industry. The whole world is facing the challenge of increasing stockpiles of PG, which significantly affect safety and the environment. ... The radiation hazard indicators for PG determined by various countries, regions and organisations are shown in Table 4. There …
— Phosphogypsum (PG) is a major hazardous by-product of the phosphate industry. The whole world is facing the challenge of increasing stockpiles of PG, which …
— According to a 2019 report from the Fertilizer Institute, an estimated 734 million tons of phosphogypsum have accumulated in the United States — a number the industry group projected to steadily increase each year. That material sits in more than 70 similar open-air piles, which can be hundreds of feet tall and hundreds of acres wide, …
O'Brien (1997) assumed a 226 Ra activity concentration of 400 Bq/kg in phosphogypsum and calculated the annual effective dose from gamma radiation for a person continually occupying the room of dimensions up to 5 m × 5 m × 3 m lined from all the walls and ceiling by 10-mm wallboard, and found that it does not exceed 0.13 mSv.
— The use of 40 t/ha of PG for reclamation of a very strongly saline soil (ECe = 52 ds/m and ESP = 35.7%) using moderate saline water (EC = 2.2 ds/m and Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) = 4.1 Meq/l) increased the relative removal of sodium (Na/Na 0), which was 0.80 in the treated soil leachate compared to 0.42 in the control test …
— The concentrations of 238U, 226Ra, 232Th and 40K maintained in phosphate rock (PR), phosphoric acid (PA) and phosphogypsum (PG) samples and its possible radiation hazards, have been measured. The radionuclides in phosphate rock have been redistributed unsymmetrically between phosphoric acid and phosphogypsum during the …