structural characteristics of pyroxene

Inosilicates (chain silicates)

Structure of the pyroxenes. Pyroxene group minerals are made up of silicon‐oxygen tetrahedral linked at corners to form infinite chains parallel to the c axis. The chains are …

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Basalt: characteristics, formation, uses

 — Pyroxene: Typically augite, providing much of the iron and magnesium content. Olivine: Common in some basalts, particularly those from hotter mantle sources. Amphibole and Quartz: Less common, but ...

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Pyroxene Group: Mineral information, data and localities.

Pyroxene was originally what might now be called "augite", but the name has been raised as a group name of structurally and chemically similar minerals. A large group of …

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(PDF) Characteristics of Anorthite-Pyroxene Ceramics Made …

 — The granular or columnar crystals ("D") were those of diopside, and Fe 2 + or Fe 3 + were dissolved in diopside which was determined by the characteristics of pyroxene (Li et al., 2017; Zhao et al ...

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compositional and structural characteristics in rocks and soils contributes greatly to understanding the petrologic processes that produced them. Raman ... we analyzed the same spots on zoned pyroxene grains in a polished section by both Raman spectroscopy and electron microprobe analysis (EMPA). These grains cover a broad range of Fe, Mg, …

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Pyroxene Group Minerals | Properties, Occurrence …

 — Pyroxene is a set of essential rock-forming inosilicate minerals discovered in many igneous and metamorphic rocks. Formula is XY (Si,Al)2O6.

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Characterization and comparison of structural and …

 — Abstract This study reports the use of Raman spectral features to characterize the structural and compositional characteristics of different types of pyroxene from rocks as might be carried out using a portable field spectrometer or by planetary on-surface exploration. Samples studied include lunar rocks, martian meteorites, and terrestrial …

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Orthopyroxene | Silicate, Igneous, Olivine | Britannica

Orthopyroxene, any of a series of common silicate minerals in the pyroxene family. Orthopyroxenes typically occur as fibrous or lamellar (thin-plated) green masses in igneous and metamorphic rocks and in meteorites. These minerals differ in the ratio of magnesium to iron in the crystal structure;

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Pyroxene Group

Pyroxene Group refers to an important group of rock-forming minerals inosilicates, characterized by a common structure of single chains of silica tetrahedra. ... The most common and distinguishing characteristics include crystal structure (cubic, tetragonal, and hexagonal), color (colorless, white to all colors in the rainbow), hardness [in ...

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Basalt | Properties, Formation, Composition, Uses | GEOLOGY …

Basalt is a dark-colored, dense rock composed primarily of plagioclase feldspar and pyroxene. It is the most common rock type found in oceanic crust and is an important component of the Earth's continental crust. Basalt is formed through the rapid cooling and solidification of magma at Earth's surface, resulting in the formation of lava flows […]

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First evidence of P21/n to P21/c structural transformation in pyroxene …

 — The high-pressure behavior of the pyroxene-type compound LiAlGe 2 O 6, the unique representative of a P2 1 /n-pyroxene, was investigated by in-situ X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy on single-crystal samples hydrostatically pressurized in a diamond-anvil cell. The structure was found to undergo a first-order phase transition on …

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The pyroxene quadrilateral Magnesium-iron pyroxenes form a solid-solution between enstatite (Mg 2 Si 2 O 6) and ferrosilite (Fe 2 Si 2 O 6).These are also known as orthopyroxenes, because of their orthorhombic crystal structure.Similarly, calcium pyroxenes consists of a solid-solution between the diopside (CaMgSi 2 O 6) and …

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Raman Spectroscopic Characterization of Different Types of Pyroxene

 — PYROXENE. A. WANG, B. L. JOLLIFF, K. M. VISKUPIC, AND L. A. HASKIN, Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences and McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences, Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130. ([email protected]) We have proposed Raman spectroscopy for onsurface mineralogical study of the Moon and Mars [1,2]. …

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Influence of Structural Factors on the Mechanical Strength …

 — The results of an investigation of the influence of the chemical composition, material structure, crystallization features, and isomorphic substitutions in pyroxene solid solutions of the augite type on the mechanical characteristics of glass ceramics are presented. The mechanism of structure formation is demonstrated, which consists in the …

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  • Geologyhttps://geology › minerals › pyroxe…

    The Pyroxene Mineral Group

    WEBPyroxene minerals are defined by their chemical composition and crystal structure. Their generalized chemical composition is described by the formula and comments below.

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    Pyroxene | Common Minerals

    Pyroxene minerals are significant components of many intermediate, and most mafic, igneous rocks. They also occur in many medium-to-high grade metamorphic rocks. Only one pyroxene mineral, a sodium-rich pyroxene …

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    Pyroxene - Crystal Structure, Minerals, Silicates: The pyroxene group includes minerals that form in both the orthorhombic and monoclinic crystal systems. Orthorhombic pyroxenes are referred to as orthopyroxenes, and monoclinic pyroxenes are called clinopyroxenes. The essential feature of all pyroxene structures is the linkage of the silicon-oxygen (SiO4) …

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    Structural Breakdown of Natural Epidote and …

     — A heat treatment was performed on selected epidote and clinozoisite crystals to establish the nature of any changes in the optical and crystal-chemical properties and to identify a breakdown product using a …

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    Preparation of continuous silicate fiber from pyroxene …

     — FT-IR and Raman spectra provided detailed structural information on the correlations between fibration property and the connection of silicate framework units. A proper ratio and arrangement of Q 2 ([Si 2 O 6] 4−) and Q 3 ([Si 2 O 7] 6−) was considered a key factor influencing the formation and tensile strength of the fiber. The results in ...

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    Texture and Structural Interpretation of heAlteration of …

    231 Fig. 1. Electron micrographs of "less altered" pyroxene, showing (in the upper right inset) a low magnification view of unaltered orthopyroxene (opx) exsolved on (100) from an augite host which is partly altered to amphibole, (in the center) a higher magnification image of an augite band containing numerous amphibole lamellae with even numbers of …

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    ALEX STREKEISEN-Clinopyroxene-

    For structural characteristics and for the classification of the Pyroxene group of minerals see the page structural characteristics and classification. Bibliography • Cox et al. (1979): The Interpretation of Igneous Rocks, George Allen and Unwin, London. • Howie, R. A., Zussman, J., & Deer, W. (1992). An introduction to the rock-forming ...

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    Structure Formation in Cast Spinelide-Pyroxene Glass …

     — The problem of controlling the level of consumer characteristics of glass-ceramic materials is studied in many homegrown and foreign studies proving that from the material science point of view they are most affected by microstructural morphometric parameters (size, shape of structural components, etc.) [1, 2].However, by using …

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    13.7.3: Single Chain Silicates (Pyroxenes and …

    Perhaps the most common pyroxene species is augite (Figure 13.36), a dark green to black pyroxene that typifies mafic and some other igneous rocks. A simplified formula for augite is (Na,Ca)(Mg,Fe,Al,Ti)(Si,Al) 2 O …

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    Pyroxene Group: Mineral information, data and localities.

    Levien L, Prewitt C T (1981) High-pressure structural study of diopside pyroxene American Mineralogist 66 315-323: 1981: 2.36: 293: 0000813: Diopside: Levien L, Prewitt C T (1981) High-pressure structural study of diopside pyroxene American Mineralogist 66 315-323: 1981: 3.52: 293: 0000814: Diopside

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    2.4 Silicate Minerals – Physical Geology

    The structure of the single-chain silicate pyroxene is shown on Figures 2.12 and 2.13. In pyroxene, silica tetrahedra are linked together in a single chain, where one oxygen ion from each tetrahedron is shared with the adjacent tetrahedron, hence there are fewer oxygens in the structure. The result is that the oxygen-to-silicon ratio is lower ...

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    Silicate Structures, Neso- Cyclo-, and Soro- Silicates

    This group is the basis for the pyroxene group of minerals, like the orthopyroxenes (Mg,Fe)SiO 3 or the clinopyroxenes Ca(Mg,Fe)Si 2 O 6. Inosilicates (Double Chain Silicates) If two chains are linked together so that each tetrahedral group shares 3 of its oxygens, we can from double chains, with the basic structural group being Si 4 O 11 -6 .

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    Mineral Composition, Pore Structure, and Mechanical Characteristics …

     — This paper experimentally studied the changes in mineral composition, pore structure, and mechanical characteristics of pyroxene granite heated to high temperature (from 25 °C to 1200 °C).

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    Raman spectroscopic characteristics of Mg-Fe-Ca pyroxenes …

     — Raman spectra of several compositions of (Mg, Fe, Ca)SiO 3 pyroxenes were collected at ambient conditions. More than 10 Raman vibrational modes were observed for these pyroxenes in the wavenumber range between 200 and 1200 cm -1 . In general, these pyroxenes are characterized by (1) the Si-O stretching modes above 800 cm -1 ; (2) the …

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    Pyroxene | Mineral Composition, Structure & Uses …

    Pyroxene, any of a group of important rock-forming silicate minerals of variable composition, among which calcium-, magnesium-, and iron-rich varieties predominate. Pyroxenes are the most significant and abundant …

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    The size and charge of the cations that occupy the M2 site chiefly determine the structural type of a pyroxene. Large, singly or doubly charged cations give rise to a diopside …

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    Igneous rock | Characteristics, Examples, Formation, & Types

     — Igneous rock, any of various crystalline or glassy rocks formed by the cooling and solidification of magma, which is a hot (600 to 1,300 °C, or 1,100 to 2,400 °F) molten or partially molten rock. Igneous rocks constitute one of the three principal classes of rocks, the others being metamorphic and sedimentary.

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    Raman spectroscopic characteristics of Mg-Fe-Ca pyroxenes

     — Raman spectra of several compositions of (Mg, Fe, Ca)SiO 3 pyroxenes were collected at ambient conditions. More than 10 Raman vibrational modes were observed for these pyroxenes in the wavenumber range between 200 and 1200 cm −1.In general, these pyroxenes are characterized by (1) the Si-O stretching modes above 800 cm −1; (2) the …

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    Model pyroxenes I: Ideal pyroxene topologies

    We establish a working definition of "ideal pyroxene" by describing and illustrating the structural features and relation-ships that can be used as building blocks to derive …

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    3.1 Silicate Mineral Groups – A Practical Guide to …

    These include minerals such as quartz, feldspar, mica, amphibole, pyroxene, olivine, and a variety of clay minerals. The building block of all of these minerals is the silica tetrahedron, a combination of four oxygen …

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    3.1 Silicate Mineral Groups – A Practical Guide to …

    These include minerals such as quartz, feldspar, mica, amphibole, pyroxene, olivine, and a variety of clay minerals. The building block of all of these minerals is the silica tetrahedron, a combination of four oxygen atoms and one silicon atom that form a four-sided pyramid shape with O at each corner and Si in the middle (Figure 3.1.1).

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    Model pyroxenes I: Ideal pyroxene topologies

    structure. Similarly, "pyroxene A OBTA CT" refers to the unique physical structure, while "pyroxene label A OB TA C " refers to the non-unique sequence of letters representing that structure. In an ideal pyroxene, we define the basal faces of the tetra-hedra as the faces parallel to (100). The two anions that are

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