effect of compressive strength in concrete

The Effect of Test Cylinder Size on the Compressive …

The factors that were studied to evaluate the effect of cylinder size on concrete compressive strength were aggregate size, technician, compressive strength, and age of specimen at testing. It was determined that compressive strength was the only factor significant in affecting the ratio of 4 x 8

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Effects of metakaolin, silica fume and slag on pore structure

 — Pore structure influenced both mechanical and durability properties. Hence, the relationship between compressive strength and durability parameters of concrete can be useful and beneficial. Strength of ITZ is one of the main factors in compressive strength, and compressive strength of concrete is also governed by the total porosity [13].

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(PDF) "Effect of Fine Aggregate Sources on …

 — The results of the present investigation indicate that ANNs have strong potential as a feasible tool for predicting the compressive strength of concrete. A compressive strength of concrete is a ...

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(PDF) Rice Husk Ash in Concrete

 — Compressive strength of concrete containing RHA, adapted from [34,37,53,57]. ... to the packing effect of the pores in the concrete, and enhanced the hydration reaction and .

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(PDF) Analysis on Compressive Strength of …

 — Abstract. Aggregates strongly affect the concrete's freshly mixed and hardened properties, mixture proportions, and economy. The utilization of fine aggregates of four...

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Concrete Compressive Strength

The concrete compressive strength covers a wide range of different tests, and the data are scattered in some studies. Therefore, in the current study, f c ′ is restricted to 25, 35, and 45 MPa. Fig. 6 demonstrates the effect of concrete compressive strength on the EBROG bond capacity. This figure is organized based on the number and size of ...

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Parametric Studies on Compressive Strength of Geopolymer Concrete

 — It has been observed that, higher concentration of sodium hydroxide solution gives better results in terms of compressive strength of geopolymer concrete. 3.8. Curing temperature The effect of curing temperature on compressive strength of concrete has been observed by comparing results of concrete Mixes 9. Details of the mixes are given in …

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Effect of Fly Ash on Strength of Concrete | SpringerLink

 — The experimental values for compression, split tension and flexural strength are presented below under separate headings. 4.1 Effect of Fly Ash on Compressive Strength. Figure 3 shows the deviation of percentage of residual compressive strength of standard concrete (SC) with percentage of fly ash. From Fig. 3, the values of percentage …

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Investigating the Effect of Various Fibers on Plasticity and

 — With the integration of steel fibers, the increase in compressive strength in concrete samples is quite evident, which has many effects on increasing the overall mechanical performance of concrete. The addition of macro syntactic fibers improves the fracture toughness and flexibility of concrete (with a slight increase in compressive …

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Comparison of Static and Dynamic Elastic Moduli in Concrete: Effects …

 — The elasticity modulus is a very considerable feature of material because of the stresses in the material under load and the effect of the displacement on the structure (Jurowski and Grzeszczyk 2015).One of the most important parameters that will directly affect the reliability of structural analysis and determination of risky structure in existing …

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Revisiting the concept of characteristic compressive strength of concrete

 — For the purpose of structural design, concrete is classified into several strength classes based on the so-called characteristic compressive strength f ck in most of European standards (e.g. EN 1992 [3] and NF EN 206-1 [4]) or on the specified compressive strength f c ' in the American standard (ACI-318 [5]).Hereafter, both f ck …

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The Time Variation Law of Concrete Compressive …

 — Compressive strength is an essential property of concrete, which changes with time under various factors. In this paper, the time variation law of the compressive strength of concrete was reviewed from …

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Analysis of the compressive strength development of concrete

 — The summary of fit parameters of sub-models, such as the cement hydration model, moisture diffusion model, and strength development model, are listed in Table 2.The verification of these sub-models is available in our former studies [27], [28].Wang and Lee [27] evaluated the reaction degree of cement paste and strength development of …

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A comprehensive review on pervious concrete

 — The amount of load applied is then calculated, resulting in the compressive strength of the porous concrete. A depiction of the compressive strength test carried out by the UTM can be seen in Fig. 10. During a compressive strength test, a pervious concrete sample is positioned vertically between two metallic plates and subsequently subjected …

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Concrete Compressive Strength

Concrete compressive strength is an important indicator to deterioration resistance since the increase of cement content and the reduction of w/c ratio improves the compressive …

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Compressive strength of core specimens drilled …

 — The compressive strength of concrete is highly influenced by the properties of test specimens, such as size and moisture content. This paper presents the results of compression tests on more than 650 test …

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Size and Shape Effects on the Compressive Strength of High Strength

In this paper we investigate the influence of the shape and of the size of the specimens on the compressive strength of high strength concrete. We use cylinders and cubes of different sizes for performing stable stress-strain tests. The tests were performed at a single axial strain rate, 10−6 s−1. This value was kept constant throughout the experimental …

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Effect of High Temperature on Compressive Strength of Concrete Prepared

 — The compressive strength of the concrete produced using basaltic crushed stone aggregate was higher than the one produced using ... course on effect of heat on concrete, Udine, Italy. Google Scholar Scherefler BA, Brunello P, Gawin D, Majorana CE, ve Pesavento F (2002) Concrete at high temperature with application to tunnel fire. ...

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Effect of Superplasticizers to Enhance the Properties of Concrete

 — Properties such as compressive strength were determined, besides determining the workability of the fresh concrete. However, compressive strength is improved by dosage 1.0% of SP after 28 days ...

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Effects of loading rates on concrete compressive …

 — Results showed that there is a relatively minor relationship between the rate of loading and the strength in terms of compression for both specimen sizes in which the trend indicates that as the...

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Effect of biochar on compressive strength and fracture …

 — The compressive strength of biochar-modified concrete at 1 d age decreased slowly with the increase of biochar addition, while the compressive strength values were higher than that of PC. The free water in concrete was reduced due to the strong water absorption and water retention of biochar, so that the initial setting time was shortened, …

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Effects of Fibers on Compressive Strength of Concrete

 — This laboratory analysis was done to scrutinize the compressive strength of nominal mix concrete (NMC) and fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) for M30 grade of concrete. In this study, cubes of NMC prepared by adding fly ash 20% and 30% of the weight of cement. ... The effect of steel fibers on the intensity and actions of FRSCC structural …

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Effect of Fine Aggregate Types on the Compressive Strength of Concrete

 — Compressive strength which is the most effective property of concrete was investigated for various types of fine aggregates as listed. 1:2:4 mix ratio and absolute volume method were adopted for ...

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Structural properties of concrete reinforced with bamboo …

 — With low tensile strength and strain capability, plain concrete is a fragile substance [1].Additionally, according to research, cement mortar may have issues with its tensile capacity, high porosity, fracture development, weak impact resistance, water penetrability, and chemical stability [2].Since the late 1960s, the usage of fiber …

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A concrete damage plasticity model for predicting the effects …

 — At the same time, the influence of the initial static load on dynamic compressive strength of concrete could be reduced when the strain rate was increased. Ref. [26] investigated the dynamic compressive behavior of high-strength concrete with three different strengths: 60 MPa, 80 MPa and 110 MPa, with labels; C60, C80, C100, …

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Influence of different curing methods on the compressive strength …

 — Compressive strength is a critical factor in the design and construction stages. Increasing the compressive strength can improve concrete manufacture by decreasing the production period, energy consumption and labour force, thereby ensuring eco-friendliness [48], [49].The development of early-strength concrete is affected by …

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Evolution of the pore structure of pumice …

China possesses abundant pumice resources and thereby makes the utilization of pumice in the preparation of pumice aggregate concrete (PAC) a significant strategy for environmental protection and resource …

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Reviewing the influence of GGBFS on concrete properties

 — In case of concrete, for designing structures compressive strength is a salient feature. Concrete mix is designated as per its compressive strength after 28 days of curing for example M25 is a design mix with characteristic compressive strength of 25 N/mm 2 and targeted strength of 31.5 N/mm 2. This strength is completely dominated by the ...

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Effect of clay on the compressive strength of concrete

 — This work investigated the effect of clay on the compressive strength of concrete. A total number of 36 concrete cubes of 150 mm were cast, cured, and crushed.

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Revisiting the concept of characteristic compressive strength …

 — From an extensive experimental dataset, an analysis of published strength data, and an interpretation of compressive failure as a critical phase transition from an …

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Numerical and theoretical investigation on the size effect of concrete …

 — The aggregate size plays an important role in the nonlinear mechanical behaviour of concrete, which is strongly related to the size effect. In this study, the meso-mechanical modelling method has been established based on the continuous grading aggregate model to simulate the uniaxial compressive failure behaviour under quasi …

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Analysis and prediction of compressive and split …

 — This indicates a consistent beneficial effect of end-hook steel fibers on the compressive strength of the concrete cubes. As shown in Fig 8, when the 60mm end-hook steel fiber reinforced concrete content …

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