— A comprehensive review of rutile flotation in terms of its surface chemical properties, effects of slimes on rutile flotation as well as the flotation reagents which have been employed is presented.
Hydrofluoric acid (HF), which is the main regulator used in the flotation of feldspar, may cause serious environmental and health-related problems. Therefore, to satisfy the …
— In this work, a new flotation strategy was proposed for the flotation of rutile. In this strategy, rutile was activated by Pb(NO3)2 and then floated with amyl xanthate (AX) as a collector at pH 8. Pb(OH)+ was the dominant lead species in the solution at pH 8 and is believed to be the major species reacting with the rutile surface. Time-of-flight secondary …
— For each floatation parameter, experimental conditions for floatation tests are given in Table 1.Average of the total balance of the products obtained in floatation tests is given in Table 2.The content of Fe 2 O 3 and TiO 2 in the feldspar concentrate obtained under these conditions in the floatation tests were 0.018% and 0.135%, respectively. …
There are numerous physical and chemical separation methods for reducing iron content in feldspar ores. Generally, while-500+75 µm sized feldspar ores beneficiate by physical and physicochemical separation …
— Their results are provided in Fig. 13. The recovery of K-feldspar increases from 86.73% to 92.21% as the Ba2+ concentration is increased to 1.1×10âˆ'2 mol/L. After that, the recovery of K-feldspar decreases. The optimum Ba2+ concentration to enhance the flotation of K-feldspar is 1.1×10âˆ'2 mol/L.
The rutile ore beneficiation process must adopt various beneficiation methods: such as a combined beneficiation process consisting of gravity separation, magnetic separation, …
The flotation behavior of rutile in the system with sodium oleate as collector was studied through pure mineral test. When the dosage of sodium oleate is 20 mg/L, and pH value of the pulp is set from 6 to 8, the flotation recovery of rutile is over 80%. The highest recovery of rutile is 85.27% when pH value of the pulp is 7.5. Zeta potential and IR spectra results …
Rutile ore is a complex ore composed of a variety of minerals. Its grade is low, and the particle size is tiny. The rutile concentrate requires a titanium dioxide content of more than 87.5%. Therefore, the rutile ore process …
Peres in a system of monazite–rutile–zircon using sodium oleate and hydroxamates [1], by Ren in a system of mon-azite–bastnaesite using benzoic acid [2], by McEwen in a system of monazite–feldspar–ilmenite–rutile–garnet–zir-con using amine acetate and sodium petroleum sulfonate [3], and by Abeidu in a system of monazite–zircon ...
— In this study, results are presented of laboratory flotation tests and industrial application to separate colouring minerals (muscovite, biotite, rutile, sphene), some iron oxides and clays from Çine-Ceyhan sodium feldspar ore owned by Kalemaden A.S. In the first stage, conventional mica flotation was carried out at pH 2·5–3 by using tallow amine …
— Al (III) ions are one of the primary interfering ions that make separating rutile and ferroaluminum garnet difficult. The effect of Al (III) ions on the flotation of rutile with benzohydroxamic acid (BHA) as collector was studied by micro-flotation test, solution chemistry calculation, Zeta potential measurement, adsorption capacity measurement …
Occurrences of rutile and ilmenite in carbonatite–feldspar rocks are found in Mexico and Chile, and in recent years have been subject to extensive investigations. ... 25.4.2 Flotation properties of rutile Flotation processing characteristics of rutile from hard rock …
— In feldspar processing, flotation beneficiation tailings that containing high ratio of titanium minerals emerge at a considerable amount as a result of beneficiation of …
— Large reserves of feldspar ore exist in the Aegean region of Turkey. The main colored impurities in these ores are iron- and titanium-bearing minerals such as anatase, rutile, sphene and ilmenite. In this study, a potassium feldspar ore containing mainly quartz and coloring impurities was subjected to beneficiation tests involving …
— For eclogite type of rutile ores, besides physical separation approaches, froth flotation is seen as an efficient technique applied for separating rutile from …
DOI: 10.1016/j.seppur.2020.117325 Corpus ID: 224872130; In situ adsorption of mixed collectors BHA/DDA in spodumene-feldspar flotation system @article{Shu2020InSA, title={In situ adsorption of mixed collectors BHA/DDA in spodumene-feldspar flotation system}, author={Kaiqian Shu and Longhua Xu and Houqin Wu and Lin-Na Peng and …
Large reserves of feldspar ores exist in the Aegean region of Turkey. Unlike conventional ores, the main impurity in some of these deposits is titanium. In this study, the results of testwork carried out to determine flotation conditions for efficient separation of titatium bearing minerals from two different feldspar ores from the area are presented. The study …
— In this study, flotation of rutile from almandine was investigated using SF as the depressant and Styryl phosphonic acid (SPA) as the collector. The study was performed ... Especially for depressing of silicate, feldspar, diaspore, spodumene and beryl [11]. For example, in the flotation of iron-ore tailings, SF is used to depress silicate ...
— The main factors effecting feldspar flotation performance, such as crystal structure of feldspar, monovalent salts, flotation reagents, and particle size distribution are discussed.
— DOI: 10.1016/J.MINENG.2021.106797 Corpus ID: 233629669; Froth flotation of rutile – An overview @article{Chen2021FrothFO, title={Froth flotation of rutile – An overview}, author={Qian Chen and Richard M. Kasomo and Hongqiang Li and Xiangke Jiao and Huifang Zheng and Xiaoqing Weng and Nicholas Muthama Mutua and …
— /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- White Mountain Titanium Corporation ("White Mountain" or the "Company") (OTC Bulletin Board: WMTM) reports that it has successfully...
Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Amine–oleate interactions in feldspar flotation" by E. Orhan et al. ... Mica and heavy minerals containing iron oxides and titanium oxides such as rutile and sphene are floated using cationic and anionic collectors, respectively. In this study, separation of colored … Expand. 2. PDF. 2 Excerpts;
— In feldspar processing, flotation beneficiation tailings that containing high ratio of titanium minerals emerge at a considerable amount as a result of beneficiation of feldspar reserves with high TiO2 content due to required specifications by global feldspar market. Recovery of titanium minerals from these tailings which can be evaluated as alternative …
— This paper reviews the application of flotation for the separation of feldspar from the other minerals with which it naturally occurs (such as quartz, clay minerals, …
rutile and feldspar.Ji junmei[16] used the alkyl hydroxamic acid as collector in the flotation of ilmenorutile,through the study of crystal structure and the infrared spectrum,the adsorption model
— The principal impurities in some feldspar ores are titanium and iron, which impart color and degrade the quality of the ore. Mineralogical investigations indicate that, while titanium originates mainly from rutile with small amounts of sphene, iron originates mainly from mica minerals. Fatty acids, particularly oleic acid, are extensively used, with …
Occurrences of rutile and ilmenite in carbonatite–feldspar rocks are found in Mexico and Chile, and in recent years have been subject to extensive investigations. 25.3.2 Sand …
DOI: 10.1016/J.MINENG.2018.08.043 Corpus ID: 105477477; Systematic review of feldspar beneficiation and its comprehensive application @article{Zhang2018SystematicRO, title={Systematic review of feldspar beneficiation and its comprehensive application}, author={Ye Zhang and Yue-hua Hu and Ning Sun and Run-qing Liu and Zhen Wang …
— Few literatures pay emphasis on investigating the effect brought out by metal ions on flotation in the case of cationic collector. In this work, the effect of Al(Ⅲ) and Fe(Ⅲ) on rutile ...
DOI: 10.1016/j.powtec.2020.06.088 Corpus ID: 225274470; Behavior and mechanism of sodium sulfite depression of almandine from rutile in flotation system @article{Kasomo2020BehaviorAM, title={Behavior and mechanism of sodium sulfite depression of almandine from rutile in flotation system}, author={Richard M. Kasomo …
— This paper reviews the application of flotation for the separation of feldspar from the other minerals with which it naturally occurs (such as quartz, clay minerals, mica, ilmenite, rutile, anatase and magnetite) as well as the separation of the individual feldspar minerals themselves.
The SiO 2 content in the Wadi Al-Jayshiah feldspar (67.96%) lies within the required amount in commercial ceramic grade feldspar (75%) and the in commercial ceramic glass feldspar (68.9 %). On the other hand it was …
— However, when Orhan and Bayraktar (2006) separated mica from a feldspar ore by flotation with tallow amine acetate as a collector and then separated iron and titanium oxide minerals using sodium oleate, they found that, in the presence of residual amine, co-adsorption of oleate on the feldspar occurred, resulting in the flotation and loss of ...
— The principal mineral components of the sized fractions were feldspar, quartz, pyrite, calcite, and biotite. There were lesser amounts of titanium-bearing minerals—mainly rutile, some muscovite, and chlorite, plus minor amounts of zircon, chalcopyrite, and molybdenite. ... Rutile flotation without grinding the plus 200-mesh material is ...