plantation of india rubber in Indonesia

(PDF) Growth of Rubber Plantation in India

 — The first rubber plantations in India were set up in 1895 on the hill slopes of Kerala. Kerala is the largest rubber-producing state in India. Rubber is cultivated in 16 states of India.

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Rubber Statistical

Rubber Board, Kottayam-686 002 Kerala, India Email: [email protected] Phone: 0481-2574903 ... the source countries of imports of NR into India, Indonesia dominated with a share of 25.3% in the total volume imported ... The overall performance of the rubber plantation industry during 2021-22 was very impressive. Natural Rubber (NR ...

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Social and Environmental Implications of …

In fact, in Southeast Asia, while during the late colonial era rubber had become the dominant plantation crop and remained so for several decades, by the late 1990s the cultivation of Elaeis guineensis or oil palm trees …

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(PDF) Rubber agroforestry system in Indonesia: …

 — Smallholder rubber plantations in Indonesia, representing more than 80% of the total rubber areas, are very unique in the world. Most smallholder rubber areas are multi-strata in nature.

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Carbon Stocks across a Fifty Year …

 — Transition from forest to rubber (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg.) plantation has occurred in tropical China for decades. Rubber has been planted on 1 million ha to provide raw materials to the rubber …

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Natural rubber

Rubber, also called India rubber, latex, Amazonian rubber, caucho, or caoutchouc, [1] as initially produced, consists of polymers of the organic compound isoprene, with minor impurities of other organic compounds. Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Cambodia are four of the leading rubber producers. [2] [3] [4] Pieces of natural vulcanized rubber at …

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Sustainable development of rubber plantations in a …

the dynamics of rubber expansion, in the last decade, have significant contrasts: • a global increase • reduction in Malaysia and stagnation in Indonesia, resulting from competition with palm oil and with conversion of jungle rubber in Indonesia and clonal rubber to oil palm in Malaysia (Abdullah and Hezri

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Huge potential for sustainability with natural rubber, experts …

 — Natural rubber is one of the four main global commodities produced from trees. Predominantly harvested by smallholders, the industry sustains an estimated 40 million people and generates more than 300 billion dollars annually. Experts say that adopting more sustainable practices and standards along the value chains will …

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Top 10 Rubber-Producing States and Union Territories in India

Kerala is the largest rubber-producing state in India. Rubber is cultivated in 16 states of India. ... had decided to invest Rs 1,100 crore to undertake rubber plantation in additional 2,00,000 hectares of land in Northeast India in a span of 5 years. ... Apart from Thailand, the other largest producers of rubber in the world are Indonesia ...

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Sustainable development of rubber plantations in a …

the dynamics of rubber expansion, in the last decade, have significant contrasts: • a global increase • reduction in Malaysia and stagnation in Indonesia, resulting from competition …

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Rubber plantation size and global rubber price are linked …

 — In Jambi Province, Indonesia, from 1991 to 2018, the overall tree cover loss in areas adjacent to rubber plantations was positively correlated to plantation size, remoteness (travel time to cities), and distance to the nearest protected areas, indicating that larger, remotely located plantations likely expanded more into forests between 2000 ...

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Rubber industry in Indonesia

 — Despite the significant size of Indonesia's rubber plantation area, barriers to maximizing its potential still exist. Downstream activities, such as post-harvest handling, manufacturing,...

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Natural rubber production, by country 2023 | Statista

 — Premium Statistic Production of rubber in Indonesia 2014-2023; Consumption 6 Premium Statistic ... Available area for natural rubber plantation India FY 2006-2020;

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The Essence of Rubber Production

In India, the Para rubber tree follows a deciduous pattern, entering dormancy from December to February. Nevertheless, it swiftly regains foliage and bursts into abundant flowering thereafter. ... Despite challenges, the rubber plantation sector in Kerala remains strong compared to other crops in the state. Tabulated information on the area ...

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Plantation Agriculture: History, Practices, Benefits, …

 — Rubber: Widely cultivated in Southeast Asia, especially Thailand and Indonesia. Sugarcane: Key producers are Brazil, India, and China. Palm Oil: Indonesia and Malaysia dominate global production. Plantation agriculture is prevalent in tropical and subtropical regions where the climate supports the growth of these crops.

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Financial Assessment of Smallholder Natural Rubber …

decrease in economic output and output diversity for Indonesia. Replanting high-quality rubber trees and improving planting and tapping practices have potential to increase …

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Financing a natural rubber plantation in Indonesia, …

 — US$ 95 million Sustainability Bond issued to finance sustainable natural rubber plantation - fighting deforestation and creating 16,000 fair-wage jobs. Concession areas form a buffer zone protecting one of the last places in Indonesia where elephants, tigers and orangutans co-exist.

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Sustainable development of rubber plantations: …

A major concern expressed about the expansion of rubber plantations is the risk of converting highly biodiverse landscapes, such as forest and mosaic landscapes, to monoculture. This concern is not exclusive to rubber — in fact it is the concern with any agricultural monoculture replacing more diverse systems.

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(PDF) Role of Rubber-based Intercropping in …

 — The tremendous expansion of monocrop rubber plantations in mainland Southeast Asian countries in the 2000s has resulted in significant adverse environmental impacts, such as deforestation, soil ...

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Rubber plantation size and global rubber price are linked to …

 — By analyzing survey data from questionnaires with smallholder rubber farmers in Jambi, Indonesia, a pattern emerged suggesting that larger, remotely located …

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Effects Of Climatic Factors On The Productivity Of Smallholder Rubber …

Downloadable! South Sumatra Province is known as Indonesia's largest natural rubber-producing center. In the last few decades, South Sumatra has faced climate change issues marked by increased variability of maximum temperature, mean temperature, minimum temperature, and rainfall. On the other hand, smallholder rubber plantations are …

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Rubber agroforestry system in Indonesia: Past, present, …

Indonesia contributed 26% to the world's rubber production while Thailand contributed 36% and the rest were contributed by other countries such as Vietnam, Malaysia, India, China and others. The area of rubber in Indonesia in 2018 was about 3.7 million hectares with the total production of 3.6 million tons.

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The dynamics of rubber production in Malaysia: Potential …

 — 1. Introduction. Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) is a valuable commodity crop, being cultivated globally to produce natural rubber (Priyadarshan, 2017).More than 60% of natural rubber is consumed in the automotive industry, particularly in tyre production (Carr, 2012), with China dominating 18% of the market (Fox and Castella, 2013).Rubber trees …

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Sustainable development of rubber plantations in a …

 — Several ongoing efforts employ voluntary approaches to mitigate the effects of rubber production, both in Southeast Asia and globally. This includes sustainable pilot plantation approaches, forest ...

Phone: 0086-21-58386256

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Sugar & the Rise of the Plantation System

 — The geographic center of sugar cane cultivation shifted gradually across the world over a span of 3,000 years from India to Persia, along the Mediterranean to the islands near the coast of Africa and then the Americas, before shifting back across the globe to Indonesia. A whole new kind of agriculture was invented to produce sugar – the …

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Indonesia: Natural rubber industry

 — Indonesia: Natural rubber industry. Indonesia's natural rubber production volume ranks second in the world after Thailand, accounting for more than 20% of the …

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Assessing the scale of rubber deforestation in southeast Asia …

 — Given that the demand for rubber will probably grow, there is an opportunity to provide an incentive for rubber-tree plantations to be established in previously deforested areas, changing the ...

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A map of the extent and year of detection of oil palm plantations …

 — Driven by food and industrial demand, the production of global oil palm has more than doubled over the last two decades. Between 1997 and 2018, oil palm plantations expanded from 10 to 21 Million ...

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Pirelli in Indonesia: From Rubber Plantations to a Model of …

 — The history of the bond between Pirelli and Indonesia has been over a century in the making. It was in the early years of the twentieth century that the Milan-based company began purchasing hectares of land with rubber-tree plantations in South-East Asia. The company was certainly proud of these acquisitions, as we can see in […]

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Country Focus: Indonesia's rubber sustainability at a crossroads

 — In a new report, "Complicit: An Investigation into Deforestation at Michelin's Royal Lestari Utama Project in Sumatra, Indonesia", Mighty Earth said that the "industrial deforestation" has been carried out over a 33-month period to January 2015 to make way for natural rubber plantations in Jambi.

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Case Study: Rubber in Indonesia

Indonesia is the second largest natural rubber (NR) producer in the world, contributing 27% to global production. Other key global producers include Thailand and Vietnam (see …

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