We are a coal mining company located in the region Sangatta, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. We operate of the largest open-pit Mining in the world. ... Kalimantan Timur – Indonesia Phone: +62 549 52 1155 Fax: +62 549 52 1701 Email: [email protected]. Marketing And Product Inquiries
As the world's greatest thermal coal exporter, mining plays a big partin the economy of Indonesia. Indonesian law holds mining companies responsible for cleaning up after excavation, but these laws often go unenforced. Part of the problem lies with the laws themselves. Ecologist David …
The remainder is for domestic use - for energy and industry in Java, Sumatra, West Nusa Tenggara and Kalimantan itself. It is predicted that coal needs (from South Kalimantan) will increase sharply in future years, with the development of energy-hungry industries such as pulp and paper mills. The output of these new industries will also be ...
— The Jembayan thermal coal operation covers an area of over 12,000ha in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, some 150km north-west Straits Resources subsidiary Straits Asia Resources (SAR) completed …
DOI: 10.37506/ijfmt.v14i1.87 Corpus ID: 212885852; Coal Dust and Acute Respiratory Infections in South Kalimantan PT 'X' Coal Mining Workers. @article{Rahman2020CoalDA, title={Coal Dust and Acute Respiratory Infections in South Kalimantan PT 'X' Coal Mining Workers.}, author={Zikri Fathur Rahman and Shinta Arta Mulia and Ahmad Muslih …
— To supervise coal mining operations, East Kalimantan's government promulgated Provincial Regulation No. 8 of 2013 concerning Reclamation and Post …
The Adaro Energy pillar comprises operational locations in South Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, South Sumatra and Australia, with subsidiaries operating in the business segments of mining, mining services, logistics, power, water, land, and capital. ... MIP is a coal mining subsidiary acquired in 2011 by ATA, which holds 75% equity interest ...
— Coal mining leaving large overburden which needs to be rehabilitated by conducting reclamation and re-vegetation. This study objective was to evaluate plant species composition after thirteen ...
— Coal mining in East Kalimantan. Stock image.
— A number of proposed mine-mouth generating plants are in preliminary stages of development in the interior rainforests of Kalimantan and Sumatra. These projects include: Adaro East Kalimantan power station and coal mine (East Kalimantan) Palangkaraya power station and coal mine (South Kalimantan) Kalbar-3 power station …
— To supervise coal mining operations, East Kalimantan's government promulgated Provincial Regulation No. 8 of 2013 concerning Reclamation and Post-mining. This regulation stipulates that permit holders must comply with the coal mining concession's environmental protection and management principles.
Singlurus Pratama, a coal mining company in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, has taken positive steps to restore the sites where it operates. Before the Research Institute of Natural Resources Conservation Technology (Balitek-KSDA) and ELTI, the company's restoration efforts were limited to planting monocultures of fast-growing species, the ...
The South Kalimantan Province is an area with abundant deposits of coal and contributes 16.36 per cent to the national coal stock. Coal mining is a profitable business. It creates …
ANUGERAH BARA KALIMANTAN incarrying out activities in the field of Mineral and coal, covering mining and buying and selling of coal from various kinds of calories. The founders PT. ANUGERAH BARAKALIMANTAN prior to establishing this company, personnel who sat as Commissioners, Directors, and Staff were those who had long been involved in and …
DOI: 10.1080/17480930.2021.1949857 Corpus ID: 238647925; Coal slurry pipelines: A coal transportation method in Kalimantan, Indonesia @article{Jati2021CoalSP, title={Coal slurry pipelines: A coal transportation method in Kalimantan, Indonesia}, author={Humaira A. Jati and Nthati Monei and George N. Barakos and Michael Tost and M. Hitch}, …
— Making use of cases encountered during research in the province of East Kalimantan, a major coal-producing area, we discuss the causes and consequences of the current state of coal mining legislation.
— This expansion of coal mining has had a range of adverse impacts, including destruction and degradation of Borneo's biodiverse ecosystems (Fuller et al. 2010), land use disputes, violence, and ...
— The Sebuku coal mine is an open cut truck and shovel coal-mining operation located on the tiny and remote island of Sebuku, in the province of South Kalimantan, Indonesia. It is owned and operated by the Straits Resources Singapore-listed subsidiary Straits Asia Resources.
SUGIARTO et al. – Cerambycid diversity at reclamation area of coal mining in Berau, East Kalimantan 201 in the decline; nine species were first collected after 1950, resulting in a net loss of ...
— Plant diversity after 16 years post coal mining in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 17 : 531-538. Post coal mining areas need to be rehabilitated through reclamation and revegetation.
The state of coal mining in East Kalimantan: Towards a political ecology of local stateness. ASEAS – Austrian Journal of SouthEast Asian Studies, 9(1), 147-162. The article aims at expanding political ecology research towards the role and constitution of states by demonstrating how local stateness is negotiated within conflicts over natural ...
— JATAM, an Indonesian advocacy group, reports that about 16 million acres of land were set aside for coal mining in East and South Kalimantan provinces in 2010 — an area twice the size of Belgium. In South Kalimantan province, about 14 percent of all forested area lies in coal concessions, according to a 2014 Greenpeace analysis of …
— BHP Billiton has reached an agreement to sell its 75% interest in Indonesian coal producer IndoMet Coal to its equity partner Alam Tri Abadi (Adaro).. IndoMet Coal consists of seven coal contracts of work in in Central and Eastern Kalimantan. This includes the Haju mine, which has the capacity to produce one million tonnes of coal per annum …
Komara LL, Choesin DN, Syamsudin TS. 2016. Plant diversity after sixteen years post coal mining in East Kalimantan,Indonesia. Biodiversitas 17: 531-538. Post coal mining areas need to be rehabilitated through reclamation and revegetation. The objective of this study was to evaluate plant diversity after 16 years of revegetation activities in a coal mining …
— A number of proposed mine-mouth generating plants are in preliminary stages of development in the interior rainforests of Kalimantan and Sumatra. These …
— The Sangatta Mine is a surface mine located in East Kalimantan. It is owned by Bumi Resources and produced an estimated 40.9 mtpa of coal in 2023. Buy the profile here. 2. FTB Project. Located in East Kalimantan, the FTB Project is owned by Bayan Resources. The surface mine produced an estimated 37.4 mtpa of coal in 2023. The …
— Coal mining in Indonesia in particular doubled in this time period as output grew to match increased demand from China and India. Specifically, in East Kalimantan, 19% of the tree cover was...
— Coal slurry pipelines: A coal transportation method in Kalimantan, Indonesia Humaira A. Jati a School of Mining, Energy and Petroleum Engineering, UNSW Sydney, Australia Nthati Monei b Geology Institute- Mining Department, Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia Correspondence lillianmonei@gmail
— In East Kalimantan, the most intensively mined province in Indonesia, mine pits expand across more than 5 million hectares (12 million acres) of land already zoned for coal concessions.
— Ten men were trapped by a flood in a Mexican coal mine this month, once again calling attention to dangerous conditions at small mines.
— Mostly coal mining industry in Indonesia spread in Sum atera and Kalimantan, so the reclam ation direction is chosen according to the soil properties and weather conditions. In every case, it is ...
— This article examines the complexity of supervising the environmental management of coal mining operations in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. We found that the current cross-sectoral and multi-level ...
Coal mine developments in the upstream Barito River have constraints on coal transportation. Some coal mines have plans to transport coal from Central Kalimantan …
Since its establishment in 2003, PT Kalimantan Prima Persada has continued to show great performance and contribution in the world of business, especially coal mining.
OF COAL MINING AREA IN SAMARINDA, EAST KALIMANTAN, INDONESIA Ike Anggraeni, Annisa Nurrachmawati, Riza Hayati Ifroh, Andi Anwar, Siswanto ... expansion of mining in East Kalimantan still happening ...