mill is derived from

Activated-hydrochar derived from olive mill wastes for the …

 — In the present study, high-quality activated carbons (ACs) were prepared from a mixture of olive stones and olive mill wastewater (OMWW) through successive hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) and potassium hydroxide (KOH) activation. Textural, morphological, and chemical characteristics of hydrochar (HC) and derived ACs, …

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Apparent bioaccumulation of Mn derived from paper-mill

 — Bioaccumulation studies of wastewater from a thermo-mechanical paper mill using the freshwater crayfish (Cherax destructor) consistently demonstrated elevated levels of manganese. Most of the Mn appeared to be associated with the carapace of the animals. It is suggested that the elevated Mn levels a …

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Potential short-term negative versus positive effects of olive mill …

 — In the present work, the olive mill solid waste (OMSW)-derived biochar (BC) was produced at various pyrolytic temperatures (300-700°C) and characterized to investigate its potential negative versus positive application effects on pH, electrical conductivity (EC), and nutrients (P, K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu) availability in a …

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Techno-enviro-economic assessment of bio-CNG derived from Palm Oil Mill

 — Utilizing biogas derived from POME can help accomplish this objective while mitigating GHGs. Biogas is produced from the anaerobic degradation process of organic material. ... According to the cluster analysis result, efforts are made to obtain the number of adjacent mills to obtain maximum bio-CNG production while achieving the expected ...

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Self-engineered iron oxide nanoparticle incorporated on mesoporous

 — Self-engineered iron oxide nanoparticle incorporated on mesoporous biochar derived from textile mill sludge for the removal of an emerging pharmaceutical pollutant ... Similarly, Leal et al. (2018) found pH PZC of 3 for the textile sludge derived adsorbent. Biochars possess cationic charge when pH < pH PZC. As a result, there is a repulsion ...

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Mill, John Stuart: Ethics | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

John Stuart Mill: Ethics. The ethical theory of John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) is most extensively articulated in his classical text Utilitarianism (1861). Its goal is to justify the utilitarian principle as the foundation of morals. This principle says actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote overall human happiness.

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mill, v.¹ meanings, etymology and more

Where does the verb mill come from? Earliest known use. early 1500s. The earliest known use of the verb mill is in the early 1500s. OED's earliest evidence for mill is from 1511. It …

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(PDF) Assessment of genetic diversity in Ziziphus jujube Mill

 — Assessment of genetic diversity in Ziziphus jujube Mill. Cultivars derived from northern China using inter‐simple sequence repeat markers

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Turbidity derived from palm oil mill effluent alters feeding …

 — Edward et al. (2017) also revealed POME-derived turbidity in Awemu River, Nigeria. However, high level of turbidity in the water body can also be generated by the high inorganic (sediment load) and organic ... Around 20 L of POME was collected from local palm oil mill factory located in Nagan Raya District, ...

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Addition of fibers derived from paper mill sludge in paper …

 — Zhou, G. et al. Facile synthesis of paper mill sludge-derived heterogeneous catalyst for the Fenton-like degradation of methylene blue. Catal. Commun. 62, 71–74 (2015).

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Tetracycline Degradation by Peroxydisulfate …

 — The technique of using biochar-based catalysts in persulfate activation is a promising alternative to remov emerging and refractory pollutants (e.g., tetracycline-) in wastewater. However, the situation of …

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Facile synthesis of paper mill sludge-derived heterogeneous …

 — Paper mill sludge-derived heterogeneous catalyst was synthesized through a facile method. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis confirmed the existence of α-Fe 2 O 3, and Fourier transformed infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy proved the formation of chemical bonds (Fe–O–Si).The as-prepared catalyst exhibited effective methylene blue () …

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Endogenous iron-enriched biochar derived from steel mill …

 — Steel mill wastewater sludge, as an iron-enriched solid waste, was expected to be converted into iron-enriched biochar with acceptable environmental risk by pyrolysis.The purpose of our study was to evaluate the chemical speciation transformation of heavy metals in biochar under various pyrolysis temperatures and its reutilization for …

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Unraveling the effect of phenolic extract derived from olive mill …

 — Polyphenols derived from olive mill by-products were used in food industry to improve its functional properties or stability [26], [27], in pharmaceutical [28] and cosmetic industry [2]. To our best knowledge, the application of phenolic extract for agronomic exploitation remains largely unexplored. Therefore, it seems relevant to understand ...

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Mill's Moral and Political Philosophy

 — John Stuart Mill (1806–1873) was the most famous and influential British philosopher of the nineteenth century. ... Mill's concern in this passage is with inequalities derived from inequality of opportunity and those inequalities that perpetuate inequality of opportunity. To achieve equality of opportunity, Mill endorses various ...

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Potential short-term negative versus positive effects of olive mill …

 — In the present work, the olive mill solid waste (OMSW)-derived biochar (BC) was produced at various pyrolytic temperatures (300–700°C) and characterized to investigate its potential negative versus positive application effects on pH, electrical conductivity (EC), and nutrients (P, K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu) availability in a …

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Removal of phosphate from water by paper mill sludge biochar

 — In this study, paper mill sludge (PMS) containing iron ions (from flocculants used in paper mill wastewater treatment) and CaCO 3 (from additives used in paper production) was used as a feedstock to produce biochar via a one-step process. The objectives of this study were to 1) characterize the properties of PMS biochars, 2) …

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Methylene Blue Removal Using Palm Oil Mill Effluent Sludge- Derived …

 — Hence, sludge-derived biochar is an effective adsorbent for the removal of dye from wastewater. Discover the world's research ... Treated palm oil mill effluents (POME) is of great concern as ...

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Kinetic assessment of pulp mill-derived lime mud …

Pulp mill-derived lime mud has a higher apparent activation energy as compared to high purity CaCO 3. (2) A reaction rate expression is developed using pulp mill-derived lime mud to accurately quantify the calcination rate as a function of CO 2 …

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John Stuart Mill- Utilitarianism Flashcards

Learn about John Stuart Mill's utilitarianism with interactive flashcards. Test your knowledge of key terms and concepts in moral philosophy.

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Endogenous iron-enriched biochar derived from steel mill

Steel mill wastewater sludge, as an iron-enriched solid waste, was expected to be converted into iron-enriched biochar with acceptable environmental risk by pyrolysis. ... Endogenous iron-enriched biochar derived from steel mill wastewater sludge for tetracycline removal: Heavy metals stabilization, adsorption performance and mechanism ...

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Fenton-like degradation of Methylene Blue using paper mill …

 — Paper mill sludge derived from different factories may be slightly different in composition, but the main components (e.g., kaolin clay and calcium carbonate) of paper mill sludge are approximately the same and broadly accepted.

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Mills and Millage Tax Rates Defined and Explained …

 — "Millage" is based on a Latin word that means "thouh." So 1 mill is equivalent to 1/1000 th. Applied to taxes, that means 1 mill is equivalent to $1 in taxes per $1,000 in taxable value.

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What Is a Millage Rate? | The Motley Fool

 — Derived from the Latin word "millesimum," millage or mill means "thouh part." Millage or mills represent the amount of tax for every $1,000 of a property's assessed value....

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Mill Rate: Definition And How To Calculate Taxes

 — What Is A Mill Rate? The mill rate is a tax rate used to calculate property taxes based on the assessed value of the property. It represents the tax owed per dollar of a property's assessed value. For …

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Mill's Refined Utilitarianism: Quality Over Quantity …

Mill expanded on Bentham's utilitarianism, emphasizing qualitative differences among pleasures and advocating for actions that promote the greatest happiness for all sentient beings. ... The enjoyment derived …

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Utilitarianism Chapter 5: Of the Connection between

A summary of Chapter 5: Of the Connection between Justice and Utility (Part 1) in John Stuart Mill's Utilitarianism. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of Utilitarianism and what it means. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans.

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Mills and Millage Tax Rates Defined and Explained

 — Definition and explanation of mills and millage rates -- as in property tax rates -- you hear about during budget and tax season every year. ... There's also the mill, probably derived from mull ...

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Therapeutic Potential Of Foeniculum vulgare Mill. Derived Selenium

 — This dose also showed significant antioxidant activity in 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay.Conclusion: Foeniculum vulgare Mill.-derived selenium nanoparticles retain significant anti-arthritic and antioxidant potential and consequently can further be explored as an alternative treatment option for rheumatoid arthritis.Keywords ...

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Activated hydrochar derived from olive mill wastes for …

Chars from olive mill wastes (OMWs) and their derived ACs have been widely applied as adsorbents of several organic and inorganic contaminants [24]. Due to the high performance, increased research eort has recently per-formed to properly implicate OMW-derived sorbents in the treatment process of OMWW, in accordance with the

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Differentiated strategies of animal-derived and plant-derived …

This work aimed to reveal the differences of nitrogen (N) transformation between animal-derived and plant-derived biochar during paper mill sludge composting. Three treatments were established, including CK (no biochar), ABC (animal-derived biochar), and PBC (plant-derived biochar). Results showed t …

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mill, n.¹ meanings, etymology and more | Oxford English …

Etymology. Meaning & use. Pronunciation. Forms. Frequency. Compounds & derived words. Factsheet. What does the noun mill mean? There are 26 meanings listed in …

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Pulp mill sludge-derived carbon activated with an …

 — The yield (Y) of the materials was calculated by the weight difference of the precursor material before (W initial) and after (W final) carbonization and activation, using Equation (1). 1 Y (%) = Wfinal Winitial 100. The characterization of the activated carbon granules produced from bio-sludge was performed by the determination of the BET …

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Lead removal from aqueous solutions by olive mill wastes derived …

 — In this study, lead removal from aqueous solutions using biochar derived from olive mill solid and liquid wastes has been investigated by applying batch experiments and geochemical modelling. The batch adsorption experiments included the assessment of several key parameters such as the contact time (kinetic), initial concentration …

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