impact of small scale mining

Impacts for half of the world's mining areas are …

 — Most studies of mining impacts are local and focused on small areas. But as the scale of mining grows, it's crucial that global impacts are addressed.

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2020 State of the Artisanal and Small- Scale Mining …

 — Delve is a global platform for artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) data. Its vision is a world in which ASM is recognized as an important contributor to global development. Recommended citation: World Bank. 2020. 2020 State of the Artisanal …

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Artisanal and small-scale mining methods and the …

 — Drawing on findings from multiple qualitative studies in Ghana, we found that the one 'small-scale' mining licence regime was problematic and took no account of the diverse environmental impacts, the safety concerns, and the uneven economic returns from the various mining methods (alluvial, underground, and surface/open-pit mining) …

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Assessing the Impact of Illegal Small-Scale Mining …

 — Cocoa and gold are significant contributors to the gross dormestic product of Ghana which makes both commodities key parts of the Ghanaian economy. Unfortunately, in Ghana, most cocoa-growing communities are the hub of illegal small-scale mining commonly known as galamsey. It is alleged that cocoa farmerssell their farmlands for …

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the negative impact of illegal small-scale mining on the residents of East Akyem Municipality, the researcher of this study gives amongst many the following recommendations; that parents be educated on the value of formal education to encourage their wards to stay in school, rather than engaging themselves in the activities of illegal ...

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An Investigation of the Socio-Economic Benefits of Small-Scale …

 — In the recent years, there has been a surge in artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) in various districts of Malawi. Reports of a gold rush have emerged in various districts, including Mangochi, Lilongwe, Balaka, and lately in Kasungu. There has been persistence by many indigenous communities participating in ASGM activities, yet …

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The impact of small-scale gold mining on mining communities in Ghana

 — Key words: small-scale mining, mining communit ies, mining industry, mining. Introduction The Ghanaian mi ning industry can be traced back to t he pre-colonial era with some studies

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The impacts of artisanal and small-scale gold mining on …

 — Artisanal and small-scale mining of minerals and metals (mostly informal and labor-intensive, low capital, low-tech, and a risky form of mining) (ASM) has become a vital livelihood activity and one of the main non-agricultural rural livelihood activities in the Global South due to its low entry level (Hilson and Osei, 2014).

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Assessing the Impact of Illegal Small-Scale Mining …

 — Assessing the impact of il legal sm all-scale mining (gal amsey): A case study in the Amansie West Dist rict o f Gha na withdrawn people from farming in the c om- munities.

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Golden Migrants: The Rise and Impact of Illegal Chinese Small‐Scale

 — The Chinese dominate the supply chain of illegal small-scale mining with their financial, technical, managerial acumen, the sale and transfer of gold proceeds, and political patronage. This dominance accounts for the massive negative social, economic, environmental, and political impact of illegal small-scale mining in the country.

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Opportunities and risks of small-scale and artisanal gold mining …

 — 1. Introduction. The extractives resource industry plays an important role in the economic growth of developing countries. Artisanal and small-scale mining in particular has rapidly expanded, but is also associated with poor environmental practices that threaten livelihoods (IISD, 2014; Maconachie, 2022).Artisanal and small-scale gold mining …

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Gold mining's environmental footprints, drivers, and future …

 — The small-scale mining sector has emerged as a substantial source of local employment, offering opportunities to unemployed youth ... 2022). However, despite these socioeconomic benefits, the environmental impact of small-scale mining in Ghana is well-documented, encompassing disturbances to river basins, water pollution, disruptions to ...

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Small‐scale mining and its socio‐economic impact in …

 — This article examines both the positive and negative socio-economic impacts of small-scale mining in developing countries, and outlines some key measures for improving sustainability in the sector. It is important to clarify that, in spite of experiencing its share of environmental- and health-related problems that adversely impact human ...

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State-led efforts to reduce environmental impacts of …

 — Improved environmental management is key to several of the sustainable development goals (SDGs). This paper focuses on the interaction between formalization of the Artisanal and Small-scale Mining (ASM) sector in Tanzania, and the regulation of negative environmental impacts.

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Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining | SpringerLink

 — Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) activity plays an important role in the economy of developing countries, directly and indirectly supporting an estimated 100 million people globally (International Council on Mining and Metals 2009).The term, ASM, refers in a general manner to subsistence mining, where workers are independent from any large …

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A Contextual Review of the Ghanaian Small-Scale …

The environmental impacts of small-scale mining in Ghana are then detailed, along with the land-use disputes that have occurred in the industry. The report concludes by providing contact information for some important people involved in

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The Environmental Impact of Small-Scale Gold Mining in …

 — This paper examines the environmental impacts of small-scale gold mining in Ghana, and prescribes a series of recommendations for improving environmental performance in the industry. Since the enactment of the Small Scale Gold Mining Law in 1989, which effectively legalized small-scale gold mining in the country, industrial …

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Small-scale Mining and its Socio-economic Impact in Developing

 — The study has shown that the "scale" of mining operations is barely regarded by local residents as a determining factor in shaping their attitudes toward the impacts of small-scale mining ...

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Small Scale Mining

 — Small-scale mining by the artisanal and small-scale mining sector (ASM) has expanded rapidly in Ghana. More than 60% of the total mining labor force is in this sector. The ASM in 2014 produced about 34% of exported gold (compared to 9% in 2000) making it a major sector of the Ghanaian economy and an important source of livelihood and …

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A Review of the Scope of Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining Worldwide, Poverty, and the Associated Health Impacts

Small-scale mining has brought both major problems and immeasurable socio-economic benefits to a number of developing countries. In recent years, however, the bulk of research has been devoted to analyzing the negative as-pects of the industry.

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Impact of recent artisanal small-scale gold mining in …

 — In Senegal, the environmental impact of artisanal small-scale gold mining (ASGM) using mercury (Hg) is poorly documented despite its intensification over the past two decades. We report here a complete dataset including the distribution and speciation of Hg in soil, sediment, and water in pristine and ASGM impacted sites of the Gambia River ...

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Modernizing Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining

Modernizing Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining: Harnessing new technologies for sustainable development. May 2024. Written by Nellie Mutemeri and Nydia Ponnan. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.

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Ending the toxic trail of small-scale gold mining

The project aims to reduce mercury use in small-scale mining by an estimated 369 tonnes and has already equipped thousands of miners with greater understanding of safer mining practices. PlanetGOLD is set to expand to an additional 15 countries and leverage co-financing of over US$342 million during its second phase in 2023. With this expansion ...

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Effect of small-scale illegal mining on surface …

In Ghana, small-scale mining (SSM) has been carried out for many years, generating employment and income. Currently, illegal artisanal mining ('galamsey') has impacted the environment negatively, resulting in land …

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Small-scale mining and agriculture: Evidence from

 — The economic impact of small-scale mining on local communities, including its consequences for key development indicators such as educational investment and health, is both empirically and theoretically ambiguous. A key issue in this regard is how small-scale mining interacts with the preexisting agricultural livelihoods of rural populations.

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mining in Ghana: identifying problems and possible …

environmental impacts of small-scale gold mining in Ghana, and to prescribe a series of recommen-dations for improving environmental performance in the industry. The paper begins by providing a general overview of small-scale gold mining and its environmental impacts. Next, the paper discusses the state of the Ghanaian small-scale gold-mining

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"Small in size, but big in impact": Socio-environmental …

 — Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) – small sized, largely unrecognized, rudimentary, and an informal form of mining – occurs in more than 70 countries around the world and is mainly hailed for its socioeconomic benefits and reviled for its environmental devastation. As a result, many people are confused about the future of ASM.

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(PDF) Alluvial Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining in A River …

 — The aim of this paper is a digest of environmental impacts of alluvial artisanal and small-scale mining with a focus on anthropogenic influences on topography with regard to the methods used in ...

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Reflecting on the impact of an artisanal and small-scale mining …

 — In 2019, the ban was lifted for registered small-scale mining companies to validate their licenses and continue with their activities, but the local miners, who fall under the unregistered category, and are by far the largest ASM operators (85 %) are yet to receive clearance to restart mining (Baddianaah et al., 2023). In the face of all this ...

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Artisanal and small-scale mining is also the source of the largest releases of mercury, estimated at 1,400 tonnes per year in 2011 according to the Minamata Convention. Exposure to mercury can have serious health impacts, including irreversible brain damage.

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Impact of Small-Scale Mining Activities on Physicochemical Properties

 — 2.1. Study Location. The rocks in the study area have rich mineral deposits (Birimian and Tarkwaian formation) making the site attractive for gold mining, especially small-scale mining [8, 14].The area provides a good location for the study on how the activities of small-scale mining impact on soil and ultimately on farming in the local …

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According to Speisers (2000), environmental impacts of small scale mining are divided into primary and secondary impacts, primary impacts being those that results from mining activities itself and secondary being those that results from the spin offs of the mining activity such as littering, and impacts on flora. ...

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Small‐scale mining and its socio‐economic impact in …

 — This article examines both the positive and negative socio-economic impacts of small-scale mining in developing countries, and outlines some key measures for improving sustainability in the sector.

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