copper tailings processing

Recycling and Reuse of Mine Tailings: A Review of …

 — Up to 20% is saved when we use copper ore tailings instead of Portland cement. The copper tailings produced in this way have good strength and durability characteristics. ... Pramusanto, P.; Hermana, F.A. The research of gold processing from tailings of iron sand processing from South Kalimantan by using amalgamation methods …

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Experimental Study of the Sulphatizing Roasting of Flotation Tailings …

 — Grudinsky et al. (2021) and Wan et al. (2021) studied sulfation roasting, followed by extraction with water, of respectively tailings of copper slag processing and copper slags and found technical ...

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Recovery of pyrite from copper tailings by flotation

 — The pyrite grade in the fresh tailing sample and in the flotation product was determined indirectly from the content sulfur, copper and iron. Calculations carried out considering the elemental chemical composition presented in Table 1 and the mineralogical species that contained sulfur, identified by the XRD analysis, allowed to determine that …

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New Tailings Reprocessing Technology Has …

 — Several efforts are underway to extract gold and copper from tailings. Reprocessing mine tailings may also have environmental benefits. A recent project described in Mining is a series of experiments …

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Tellurium Enrichment in Copper Tailings: A Mineralogical …

 — This research combines gravity separation and froth flotation processes to enhance the recovery of Te minerals from tailings produced during the beneficiation of …

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2. Processing of Sulphide Ores and Mine Tailings: …

 — The main chemical reagents used in the metallurgical flotation process of copper sulphide minerals and present in copper mining tailings are presented below [2,47]. The following types of reagents are disclosed: (i) acids, (ii) alkalis or pH regulators, (iii) modifiers, (iv) collectors, (v) ing agents, and (vi) flocculants ( Table 1 ).

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Geotechnical Properties of Mine Tailings | Journal of …

Therefore, the consolidation process of the fine iron tailings during and after the construction of the tailings dam can be analyzed with the traditional Terzaghi's theory, whereas for the fine copper tailings, the acceleration of the consolidation process caused by the increase in C v should be considered.

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Recycling and Reuse of Mine Tailings | Encyclopedia MDPI

 — The activities involved in the intricate process of mining range from metal extraction (precious metals, ferrous alloys, and nonferrous materials), mineral beneficiation (gypsum, salt, kaolin, sulfur, and phosphate), fuels (hard coal, steam coal, petroleum, and coking coal), smelting, refining, and remediation [] [] [].The process of extraction …

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BHP tailings challenge: Repurposing copper tailings

Safe and effective operation and closure of TSFs is a BHP priority. In 2020, BHP launched a tailings challenge with the aim of developing innovative solutions to repurpose copper …

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TENORM: Copper Mining and Production Wastes | US EPA

 — Ores that contain copper in the U.S. are typically mined in large, open-pits. Copper processing facilities are usually located near mining or extraction sites. ... extraction of copper by surface or underground methods can concentrate and expose radionuclides in the waste rock and tailings tailingsThe remaining portion of a metal-bearing ore ...

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The efficiency of the froth flotation process has long been known to be strongly dependent on particle size. For sulfide minerals, good recoveries are typically achieved in industrial flotation circuits for particles in the 30 to 150 m size range. Particles outside this critical size are typically lost in industrial operations and rejected to tailings streams due to inherent …

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Biodiversity conservation threatened by global mining wastes

 — For copper, which makes up 46% of the global tailings volume, the total amount of tailings and waste rock predicted over 2020–2050 is 858 Gt (ref. 37). Further, due to the decrease in lithium ...

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New approaches for extracting and recovering metals from mine tailings

 — In addition to these potential direct financial benefits, bio-processing the tailings wastes would help to remove some, at least, of the environmental hazard that these tailings represent (protracted release of metals and acid into the wider environment), much in the same way that bio-processing cobalt-rich tailings at Kasese in Uganda ...

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Renewable ammonium chloride-induced calcium leaching of gold and copper

 — A high-value treatment of high-calcium gold-copper tailings is proposed. • NH 4 Cl solution was used as a leaching agent to prepare spherical vaterite that can exist stably.. Nanoparticle aggregation and crystal growth are two mechanisms of high-purity spherical vaterite prepared by CO 2 bubbling carbonation.

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Processing Tests, Adjusted Cost Models and the …

Standard cost models with capex and opex for flotation, leaching, and magnetic separation were adopted to the needs of tailings reprocessing. A copper tailing (around 2 M t) that also contains magnetite was chosen …

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Regionalized Life Cycle Inventories of Global Sulfidic Copper Tailings

 — Worldwide, an issue of copper production is the generation of mine waste with varying characteristics. This waste can pollute natural environments, and in particular, the heavy metal emissions of the tailings may pose long-term consequences. Currently, life cycle assessments of mine tailings are hampered by both limited data availability in the …

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Copper Tailing

Extraction of copper from its ore in copper industries produces two types of waste named as copper slag and copper tailings. The copper slag is produced during the process of …

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Development of copper recovery process from flotation tailings …

 — A new flotation tailings treatment process was developed for efficient Cu recovery. • An efficient Cu dissolution was achieved in an H 2 O media in presence of pyrite.. The dissolution mechanism of CuFeS 2 has been confirmed to be a multistage reaction.. Fe was always co-dissolved with Cu following a linear relation of C Fe = …

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Mining copper tailings could answer supply …

 — There is an estimated total of 217,330,652,000 m 3 of tailings in storage globally, with copper accounting for ... its "more energy-efficient process to extract copper from regular- and lower ...

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Towards mine tailings valorization: Recovery of critical …

 — They are a mixture of ground rocks and process effluents generated during processing of the ores, and their composition depends on the nature of the mined rock and the recovery process used. In copper mining, tailings can account for 95–99% of crushed and ground ores (Edraki et al., 2014).

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Mine tailings-based geopolymers: A comprehensive review

 — The mine tailings are inhomogeneous and have a complex mineral, aggregate, and chemical composition [59, [109], [110], [111]].Furthermore, although having relatively low quantities of valuable components, mine tailings contain hazardous and toxic compounds connected with waste products or mining activities [82, 84, [112], [113], …

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Copper Tailing

As copper tailings appear in ground form, the grading of copper tailings reported by Gupta and Thomas (2013) and Nitish et al. (2013) has a sizeable silt fraction of 0.06–0.002 mm. Copper tailings are considered to be finer than CS, which usually has a dominant sand fraction. Table 6.5 compares the geotechnical properties of copper tailings to those of …

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Chemical Composition Data of the Main Stages of Copper

 — Recently, authors have also investigated the use of Chilean copper-treated tailings as supplementary cementitious materials to improve properties of concrete [86,87], the use of copper tailings deposits for the sequestration of CO 2, and the re-processing of tailings to obtain critical raw materials [89,90].

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Improving Flocculation Performance of Copper Flotation Tailings …

 — The dewatering of tailings is one of the serious challenges that the mining and mineral processing industries have encountered internationally. Solid–liquid separation methods are applied to wastewater, which generally consists of fine particles and water; fine particles are settled in thickeners by the flocculation method and the cleaned water is …

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Copper-processing technologies: Growing global …

 — With demand for copper rapidly ramping up for ... (minus additional processing costs), 3 Based on a copper price of $10,000 per metric ton and a range of forecasts across other ... grind-circuit roughing …

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Take two: why mine tailings are worth another look

 — The 12-month ReTail project, in partnership with CPI, aims to establish the feasibility and environmental impact of processing tailings from Altilium's site in Europe to extract copper, aluminium and other battery materials for use in the UK EV battery supply chain (for example, to produce copper foils for use as current collectors).

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Feasibility of re-processing mine tailings to obtain critical …

 — 1. Introduction. Mine tailings are waste obtained after the processing of some minerals to acquire one or more elements of interest. They are composed of a mixture of heavy metals, water, sand, and fine-grained solid material, and generally are deposited in ponds without further treatment (Babel et al., 2016; Santibañez et al., 2012; L. Wang et …

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Tailings potential: recovering metals from mine waste streams

 — Large amounts of silver, copper, molybdenum, chromium, cobalt and other metals were recovered, according to Cassidy, who developed the DRAM technology some years earlier. ... The type of extraction method that can be used on mine waste depends on the mineral deposits the tailings come from and what processing approach was used to …

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Keeping Up with Demand: Copper Tailing …

 — Recovering copper is a crucial strategy to keep up with demand. One approach is to reprocess mining tailings to extract the vital copper resources within.

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Tailings Dams: Where Mining Waste is Stored Forever

 — Currently, there are about 3,500 tailings dams worldwide. The contents of the tailings themselves depend on what mineral is being mined, though the process of creating them is generally similar ...

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Mine tailings: reprocess, recover & recycle

 — By reprocessing tailings, dewatering them and then storing them in a dry stack, mines can remove some of the economic, environmental and societal risks …

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