GlobalAutoIndustry's Ron Hesse sat down with Armando Cortés, CEO of the Mexico-based National Auto Parts Industry Association (INA, which represents …
Although Latin America has common challenges in terms of installed capacity and technical training, Mexico's leadership in production and exports can …
Next, he highlights that Mexico is the main supplier of auto parts for the United States, since 36% of the total imports of the North American country come from the Latin …
The large number of used cars in Mexico, many of them having been imported from the U.S., provides potential opportunities for the sale in Mexico of U.S. …
Auto parts in Mexico. Mexico's production of automotive parts destined for sale abroad had the following sequence: $79.310 billion in 2018, $81.076 billion in 2019, $64.814 …
Mexico continues its historic trend in auto parts production. 14 May 2024. Mexico. The production of auto parts continues to grow emphatically in Coahuila, …
Tune in to our podcast episode as we discuss our successful collaboration with a major auto parts wholesaler-retailer in Mexico.
He has written several publications on Mexico´s automotive and auto parts industry, promoted the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies by supply chains and …
The auto parts industry in Mexico has been experiencing a significant acceleration in recent times, primarily due to two key factors: nearshoring and the rise in …
NAP MEXICO es una empresa mexicana. Se dedica a la importación, comercialización y distribución de autopartes de colisión. Contáctenos.