uses of marble slurry trade

Utilization of "Marble Slurry In Cement Concrete …

marble slurry in Cement Concrete replacing Sand is 30% which shows equal strength as of Control i,e. 1:2:4 Cement Concrete 0% Marble slurry. Marble slurry can be easily utilized in construction industry in preparing Cement Concrete. Key words:-Cement Concrete, Fineness modulus, Marble slurry, Specific gravity. I. Introduction

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A brief review on sustainable utilisation of marble …

 — The use of marble powder or slurry for the production of concrete is an important step from the sustainability point of view. The aggregate produced from the marble mining waste were used as coarse …

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Economical Study on Safety of Earthen Embankments by …

Marble slurry is a semi liquid substance containing high percentage of very fine particles and water used as coolant during sawing and polishing. The waste is approximately 20% of total marble handled. The major environmental concern is the disposal of this by product. The marble cutting industries are dumping the marble dust in any nearby pit ...

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Use of Marble Slurry Waste in Building Works to Protect …

Use of organic wastes such as peanut husk, mahau and linseed residues, coconut coir dust, rubber seed pod, spent cashew nut shell etc., were explored and used for different …

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Recycling of ceramic tiles waste and marble waste in …

 — The locally abundant and unattended marble slurry waste (MSW), when utilized in concrete as a cementing material, provided strength to concretes up to 10% replacement level (Arshad et al. 2014). The increase in strength of concretes was due to high CaO contents present in MSW (Arshad et al. 2014). Similarly, when marble powder …

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uses of marble slurry trade

Use of marble slurry powder and fly ash to obtain … The result indicated that the inclusion of marble slurry powder and fly ash may be used as partial substitution of fine aggregate and cement. Introduction. Marble stone is widely used in decoration, sculpturing and construction works. These uses have created a huge demand for this stone.

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Marble slurry has the maximum content of magnesium and calcium carbonate. The quantity of phosphorous content was 5.60 ppm which was too high whereas soil had only 2.17 ppm available phosphorous. pH value of the slurry was found 9.1 and it was highly alkaline when it mix with the soil the soil also become alkaline and does not support to the ...

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PDF | On Jan 1, 2021, Wisal Shah and others published IMPACTS OF THE MARBLE WASTE SLURRY ON GROUND WATER QUALITY AND ITS REUSE POTENTIAL | Find, read and cite all the research you need on …

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Recycling of ceramic tiles waste and marble waste in …

 — The physical, fresh-state, and strength properties of concrete were reviewed from available extensive literature, and it was found that the concrete prepared from …

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Characterization methodology for re-using marble slurry …

 — This research is focused on marble slurry waste, consisting in fine-grained residues resulting from operations of cutting and polishing, recovered at the end of the waste water purification system, and that could be processed to be re-used as raw materials suitable for applications in other industrial sectors [2, 3], such as building industry ...

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Mechanical properties of sustainable concrete modified by adding marble

 — Many properties have been reviewed in the current paper; the results observed from the various studies depict that replacement of marble slurry to a certain extent enhances strength properties of the concrete but simultaneously decreases the slump value with the increase of replacement level of marble slurry.

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Sustainable use of fly ash and waste marble slurry powder …

 — This fine marble slurry Powder (MSP) causes environmental problems in nearby areas. Also, a huge quantity of fly ash (FA) is being generated from thermal power plants as a by-product. In this study, FA and waste MSP was used as partial replacement of cement and river sand in concrete respectively. One control and four replacement mixes …

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An Overview of Utilization of Marble Slurry as A

 — Marble slurry dust (MSD, a waste of marble industry, finds bulk utilization potential in roads. This study indicates that besides embankment construction with this waste, 20-30% of soil can be ...

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Re-use of waste marble dust in the production of cement …

 — Waste management in marble processing plants is a considerable problem in countries with developed stone industries and trade. Research on the utilization of stone waste in different fields is still continuing. ... Sustainable use of marble slurry in concrete. Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 94, 2015, pp. 304-311.

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Sustainable use of marble slurry in concrete

 — Cutting, grinding and polishing manoeuvres in marble processing plants generate a large amount of slurry, which adversely affects the environment and humans. …

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Marble dust has various industrial uses, in fact thanks to the high percentage of fines and the low percentage of metallic oxides, the ultra-fine calcareous particles could well be …

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Experimental study on the behavior of waste marble powder …

 — Article. Experimental study on the behavior of waste marble powder as partial replacement of sand in concrete. Research Article. Published: 25 August 2020. …

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White Desert of Udaipur

And so, the idea of the Marble Slurry Park was born – a place where discarded marble slurry would find new life, and the barren landscape would transform into a surreal wonderland. The park was envisioned as a tribute to the beauty of the marble industry, showcasing the otherworldly landscape created by the white marble slurry.

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Marble and Granite Slurry Reuses in Industries

 — This paper presents the essential features of an environmentally attractive reuse of what is currently considered a marble waste: marble sludge, recovered from …

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Review on Utilization of Waste Marble Powder in Self …

The waste marble powder cab be used as fine aggregates. Sand is replaced by the waste marble powder. With the use of the waste marble powder, wasted materials are utilized as well as the strength and quality of the concrete is increased. Cost, when using marble powder is less than the cost when using sand.

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Mechanical and abrasion resistance performance of silica fume, marble

 — The use of by-products from the mining industry is a foremost topic of research interest in the last two decades. Marble slurry powder (MSP), lime-stone powder, granite waste, dimensional lime-stone waste, etc. are the most considered mining by-products [6], [7], [8].

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Use of marble slurry powder and fly ash to obtain …

 — The observation reflects an improvement in fresh properties on the inclusion of fly ash and marble cutting waste. In binary mixes, 5% silica fume with 10% marble …

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Waste marble powder

 — Besides this, the use of high amount of waste marble powder or slurry (over 20%) has delayed setting times (Ashish, 2019, Munir et al., 2017, Rashwan et al., 2020, Ruiz-Sánchez et al., 2019, Singh et al., 2017). If waste marble powder content increases, C 3 S content decreases and thus, hydration of cement also decreases. This means that ...

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Evaluation of marble slurry incorporated concrete using …

 — Waste marble slurry is a material which helps in partially replacing cement in concrete thus promoting the utilization of a waste material and also reducing the use of cement. This paper shows the use of waste marble slurry as a partial replacement of cement in concrete with mainly two water cement ratios 0.40 and 0.45.

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Rheological properties of high-performance SCC using recycled marble

 — Marble slurry, which comes from washing and cleaning marble surfaces, shows a filler effect by giving the concrete a denser and homogenous structure. This study evaluates the marble filler effects on the rheology in the fresh state of self-compacting concrete (SCC) through four SCC mixes by incorporating 10% marble powder (MP) and …

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Re-use of waste marble dust in the production of cement and concrete

 — In this study, ordinary Portland cement CEM I 42.5 N was used which complies with the ASTM C150. Natural siliceous sand with fineness modulus of 2.35 and crushed pink lime stone with nominal maximum size of 19.0 mm was used.The grading of both fine and coarse aggregate satisfies the ASTM C33-03 grading limits as presented …

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Sustainable use of fly ash and waste marble slurry powder …

DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2020.05.650 Corpus ID: 225758462; Sustainable use of fly ash and waste marble slurry powder in concrete @article{Singhal2020SustainableUO, title={Sustainable use of fly ash and waste marble slurry powder in concrete}, author={Vishal Singhal and Ravindra Nagar and Vinay Agrawal}, journal={Materials …

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Sustainable use of marble slurry in concrete

 — Six concrete mixes, containing marble slurry (up to 25%) in place of Portland cement were prepared and evaluated for strength, permeability, porosity, morphology, resistance to chloride migration, carbonation and corrosion. Optimal replacement level of Portland cement by marble slurry was found at 10%.

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Sustainable use of marble slurry in concrete | Request PDF …

 — The present study examines the feasibility of using marble slurry in concrete production, as partial replacement of Portland cement. Six concrete mixes, containing marble slurry (up to 25%) in ...

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A brief review on sustainable utilisation of marble waste …

2010). The use of marble powder or slurry for the production of concrete is an important step from the sustainability point of view. The aggregate produced from the marble mining waste were used as coarse aggregate in concrete mixes (Silva, Gameiro, and de Brito 2014). The fine aggregate produced from the marble waste used in the production of ...

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Production of Interlocking Tiles using Marble Slurry

Due to marble slurry road becomes slippery and many accidents takes place. II. UTILIZATION UPDATE OF MARBLE SLURRY The use of Marble slurry in two ways can reduce the cost of cement production and reduce the cost of removing it from the environment. Utilization of marble slurry: Marble occur abundant in nature.

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Sustainable self-Compacting concrete with marble slurry …

Total 15 mixes proportion was designed with consideration for the EFNARC code [[28], [29]], as shown in Table 2.Also, the relative proportion of the used material is shown in Table 3.For the sake of studying fresh, hardened, and rheological properties, percentage of the marble slurry and fly ash was decided from the literatures [19].Moreover, the range …

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Industrial slurry pumps, definition, use and types

Slurry pumps can move this water, allowing for efficient and safe construction. Benefits of using industrial slurry pumps. The use of industrial slurry pumps offers numerous advantages for industries that need to …

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